Aug. 28, 2012 –  Seoul, South Korea…NSD/ANN staff

The Northern Asia-Pacific Division’s first Pathfinder Camporee, held earlier this month, was a chance for young Seventh-day Adventists to fellowship with other Adventist youth from throughout the region.

Kids paint at the Northern Asia-Pacific Division’s first Pathfinder Camporee, held earlier this month at Sahmyook University in Seoul. The six-day event drew some 4,500 attendees from throughout the division. [photos courtesy NSD]

The six-day event drew about 4,500 attendees from South Korea, Japan, Mongolia, Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and the United States. It was held at church-run Sahmyook University in Seoul.

“I want to share my appreciation for the great support of our pastors, staff and volunteers for their wonderful dedication,” said Kim Nak Hyung, Youth Ministries director for the division.

In a sermon, Ron Whitehead, executive director of Center for Youth Evangelism at Andrews University in the U.S., said, “This Camporee was so full of creative programs, with music, drama, costume, culture, and new techniques. But most of all it has helped us to draw near to Jesus to share Him with other people.”

Pathfinders from Mongolia compete in a drill exercise at the camporee.

Nearly 100 Adventist youth were baptized during the event.

“Pathfinders” is a youth activity club sponsored by the Adventist world church. There are more than 2 million members worldwide.

The denomination’s Northern Asia-Pacific Division includes North Korea, South Korea, Japan, Mongolia, China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. The division has a claimed membership of 640,000.

The next division-wide camporee is scheduled for Taiwan in five years.

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