Aug. 22, 2012 Silver Spring, Maryland, United States ANN staff

The website containing all of the writings of Seventh-day Adventist Church co-founder Ellen G. White was hacked and some of its copyrighted documents were offered for sale online, church officials said.

Ellen G. White Estate officials said they had confirmation earlier this year that hackers stole material from a password-protected database of White’s letters and manuscripts. Hackers also stole a mailing list, which they used to solicit sale of the stolen documents, estate officials said.

Seventh-day Adventist Church co-founder Ellen G. White, circa 1864. [photo courtesy White Estate]

In response, the estate has filed a complaint against a group who identified themselves as the distributors of the stolen material.

White, who died in 1915, published more than 35 books and about 5,000 articles. In addition, she left with her estate some 8,300 letters and manuscripts, many of which have appeared in compilations since her death. Nearly 25 percent of that collection was published between 1981 and 1993 in a series of 21 volumes titled “Manuscript Releases.”

All of White’s letters and manuscripts have long been available for viewing, researching and photocopying within guidelines at White Estate research centers and branch offices worldwide. The collection is also being annotated for publication. The first volume is currently at the press.

Seventh-day Adventists believe White manifested the gift of prophecy during her 70-year ministry. Her estate was incorporated in 1933.

White is one of the most widely-translated female authors. Her well-known titles include “The Great Controversy,” “The Desire of Ages” and “Steps to Christ.” For more than a decade, all of her published materials have been available for free on the estate’s website. Her books are available online in more than 50 languages.

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