November 26, 2012 – Miami, Florida, United States…Libna Stevens/IAD

“We need to adapt our message to make sure the world hears and understands about the love of God while using various ways and means of communication,” said Inter-American Division President Israel Leito, as he addressed some 200 communicators during the opening of the church’s Communication Summit in Miami, Florida, Nov. 26, 2012.

Pastor Israel Leito, president of the church in Inter-America, urged communicators to use and help church leaders to “step-it-up” in using all means of communication to share the message of God’s love, during opening of Inter-America’s Communication Summit, Nov. 26 held in Miami, Florida. Image by Ansel Oliver

Pastor Leito challenged communicators to assist leaders in stepping out of their comfort zones to reach new heights of sharing the gospel.

“Help us come up-to-date and teach us new ways so we can adapt the delivery of the message,” he said. “The Lord is calling our attention to use whatever we have available to use this message, whether it is through social [media], technology, whatever it is, don’t keep it to yourself.”

Finding creative ways to communicate a clear unified message within the church and throughout the community was one of the main reasons for the event gathering, said Pastor Leon Wellington, communication director for the church in Inter-America as he welcomed communicators to the three-day event.

“Wherever we serve, it becomes our pulpit to share the gospel,” said Wellington. “If you are behind a microphone, in front of a camera, or holding a pen as a journalist or program producer, that becomes your pulpit to share in direct or subtle ways how Jesus Christ can make change and bring hope to troubled souls.”

It’s the kind of platform for networking opportunities, sharing use of emerging technology, and generating partnerships to better serve both the church and community throughout the Inter-American territory.

Williams Costa, communication director for the Adventist world church, addressed the summit delegates.
“We need to be wise and discreet while at the same time bold and committed to the mission [of sharing the good news],” said Costa.

For Enoc Ramirez from Mexico City, the message was loud and clear.

“We have the need to preach the gospel in a creative, different and contextualized way,” said Ramirez. “We know that communication in the hands of God can accomplish eternal life where there is nothing.”

Engaged delegates during the opening of Inter-America’s Communication Summit. Image by Juan A. Perez

For Jose Lechertier who works in Radio Martinique, in Martinique, communicating is all about the tools used. “We have a huge opportunity to use the existing means of communication through the internet, radio, television and social networks, all of which are excellent tools to share the message of salvation…our job is to use them,” Lechertier said.

“I’m already inspired to dream big and find creative ways to share more and not be limited by what has already been invented,” said Edson Canqui, who works in south Puerto Rico.

The event, themed “Creative Disciples”, will feature a series of experts and presenters during the next two days.

For detailed information on Inter-America’s Communication Summit, go to

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Benjamin Garcia and Lizbeth Elejalde contributed to this report

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