Dr. Raul Lozano (left) president of Linda Vista University in Mexico, Orley Sanchez (center), president of Navojoa University in Mexico, and David Siguelnitsky, president of Herbert Fletcher University, pose after being honored for their commitment to Adventist education during a special ceremony held in Miami, Florida, May 20, 2014.  Images by Libna Stevens/IAD

May 21, 2014 – Miami, Florida, United States…Libna Stevens/IAD

Top educators from across the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Inter-America were honored during a short ceremony held at the Inter-American Division (IAD) Headquarters in Miami, Florida, on May 20, 2014. The event highlighted education directors and university presidents for their commitment to Adventist education in overseeing the 910 primary and secondary schools and 14 universities across the IAD.

Dr. Gamaliel Florez, education director for the church in Inter-America began the ceremony thanking educators for working in favor of the salvation of children and young people.

“You represent a team who has been driving education through this Division during the quinquennium,” said Dr. Gamaliel Florez, education director for the church in Inter-America. “We want to honor you for your work in favor of Adventist education and in favor of the salvation of children and young people.”

More than three dozen educators were joined by top IAD leaders on the platform in full academic regalia as a testimony to and confirmation of their passion and drive for Adventist education.

“You represent something very valuable for the church,” said Pastor Israel Leito, president of the church in Inter-America. “We are greatly thankful to our educators, men and women the Lord has called to this important ministry to shape hearts, mold lives, and prepare souls for salvation,” added Pastor Leito.

Making a difference in the lives of the more than 177,000 pupils across classrooms with the love of God is what has driven the IAD top leadership to invest millions of dollars in education during the past decade.

“We believe in Adventist education and the church will continue to devote resources to ensure individuals are prepared for the Kingdom,” said Pastor Leito.

IAD President Pastor Israel Leito declared that the church will continue to invest and devote resources in Adventist education across the territory.

“We applaud you and thank the Lord for our educational institutions,” said Pastor Leito. “You are part of a ministry that carries the vision of the church, one that ministers and guides men and women to serve the church, serve society and set an example for others to follow.”

Each educator was awarded a small statuette of Jesus and the children as a symbol of Adventist education.

Dr. Ismael Castillo, who has served as president of Montemorelos University in North Mexico for 27 years, said he has seen the church leadership make strides in improving education now more than ever.

“During the last few years, there have been great efforts to elevate the quality of schools, improve facilities refining the Adventist model, the production of Bible textbooks, the training of professors and administrators and raising the image of Adventist education,” said Castillo. “I have seen church organizations willing to put more money into education and that has been really noticeable.”

President of Linda Vista University Dr. Raul Lozano is happy to see great strides in the Adventist educational system from his days as union education director.

“IAD top leaders have shown a high interest in helping the church become more aware of the evangelistic power and the potential for youth retention which our educational system provides.”

A plaque was awarded to Pastor Arturo King, president of the church in North Mexico, for reorganizing Adventist education in the region.

Church leaders prayed for Adventist education and educators across the IAD to close the special event.

To view a photo gallery of the ceremony, click HERE

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