Inter-America’s Adventist-layman’s Services and Industries (ASi) 14th Annual Convention took place in Puebla, Mexico, August 13-16, 2014. The convention brought more than 130 professionals and church leaders from across Inter-America to reaffirm their involvement in the mission of the church through their businesses. Image by Abel Marquez/IAD
August 30, 2014 | Puebla, Mexico | Libna Stevens/IAD
Inter-America’s Adventist-layman’s Services and Industries (ASi) held it’s 14th annual convention in Puebla, Mexico, Aug. 13-16, 2014. The convention brought more than 130 professionals and church leaders from across Inter-America to reaffirm their involvement in the mission of the church through their businesses. Participants also learned how to network better and strategize for greater outreach in their business areas.
Roy Adams, PhD., former associate editor of Adventist Review/Adventist World, challenged Adventist professionals to continue dreaming of accomplishing the mission in spite of its magnitude and complexity.
Accomplishing the mission means committing to being faithfully “Involved in the Mission” as this year’s ASi theme was unveiled to ASi Inter-America members, and striving to share Christ in the big cities, said ASi Inter-America’s President Marston Thomas.
“ASi is an important organization of the Adventist Church and we thank our members for using their talents to spread the gospel,” said Dr. Thomas. “Union and conference presidents are now recognizing that this group of business laypersons can make an impact by helping the church grow and develop,” said Dr. Thomas.
Dr. Thomas reported that out of the 24 unions, or church regions, there are some 12 across the Inter-American Division (IAD) that have been growing their chapter memberships in their territories, yet six unions still do not have any ASi presence and a few other chapters need to be woken up.
ASi Inter-America leaders have been strategizing how to support existing chapters, and create new chapters. An ASi training summit helped church leaders and chapter members understand the meaning of ASi and its impact on the church.
“We are happy to see several chapters restarted and others inaugurated this year, and will continue to support the local chapters, help the international body of ASi-ers to grow in numbers,” said Pastor Leon B. Wellington, ASi Inter-America secretary.
ASi professionals from across Inter-America listen to one of a dozen seminars and presentations offered at this year’s annual convention. Image by Abel Marquez/IAD.
This year’s convention included seminars on how to raise funds for projects, reaching the post-modern mind, use of technology to enhance the mission and business, best business practices in times of crisis, and more.
A special offering collected during the convention will go towards six evangelistic projects in the city of Puebla, which has a population of 4.5 million.
The next ASi Inter-America Convention will be held in 2016 due to the fact that the world church will hold the General Conference Session next year in San Antonio, Texas, United States.
ASi is an organization of the Seventh-day Adventist laypeople involved in professions, industry, education and/or services and exists to challenge, nurture, and provide experience in sharing Christ in the marketplace as well as supporting the church’s worldwide mission.
For more on Inter-America’s ASi Convention and information, visit
To view a photo gallery of this year’s ASi Inter-America Convention, click HERE