January 6, 2016 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens/IAD

IAD Treasurer Filiberto Verduzco shares the financial activity of the church during 2015. Images by Keila Trejo/IAD

Seventh-day Adventist leaders and office staff at the Inter-American Division (IAD) Headquarters met to welcome the year with a special worship service on Jan 5, to reflect on the blessings 2015 brought and set their sights on the plans and activities that will set the tone throughout the church territory for the next five years.

The more than 80 ministers and staff members at the IAD Office in Miami, Florida, took the time to pray, commit their efforts to the church and its mission and review the financial progress in the vast territory.

“Trust in God and be inspired to establish a more intimate relationship with Him as you taken on the year,” said Pastor Juan Caicedo, guest speaker and president of the South Colombia Union. Caicedo encouraged the IAD leadership to rely solely on God as the only way to accomplish the work for the church this year and in the years to come.

“Let the Holy Spirit transform your life so that the church can see that God is with you and is equipping you for His good,” Caicedo added.

That kind kind of transformation from God is what church leaders pray will motivate the more than 3.8 million church members in the territory to serve God wholeheartedly.

The first event will take place in the coming days when the IAD will gather hundreds of administrators and stewardship ministries directors from across its 24 unions, or church regions, to review stewardship principles and financial policies in place, as well as faithfulness and evangelism essentials to ensure that every church fosters an environment of transformation in Christ for each member as he/she understands his/her role as God’s stewards on earth.

Leaders went over territory-wide summits themed “Lord Transform Me” which will take place across the IAD starting in Caracas, Venezuela, on April 16, 2016; in Medellin, Colombia on May 23-24; in Managua, Nicaragua, May 30-31; in Cancun, Mexico, June 6-7; and in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, June 27-28.

Smaller regional events and activities will be organized in each of the IAD unions outlined and voted by the Inter-America’s executive committee members two months ago.

Dorsett of The Bahamas sang during the worship service on Jan. 5, 2016.

IAD Treasurer for the Church in Inter-America Filiberto Verduzco shared the financial activity during the year 2015 and the faithfulness of IAD church members in returning tithes and offerings.

“We cannot forget how God has blessed us,” said Verduzco. “We are entering 2016 and it will mean a turning point in the financial system of the division. Because of the financial behavior of our soft currencies, we anticipate challenging times in regards to the operating income ahead,” explained.

Verduzco reminded the leadership to continue careful and wise planning and management of travel budgets to the IAD region and went over retirement benefit issues and information.

Dr. Elie Henry, executive secretary for the church in Inter-America, welcomed Daniel Vélez-Sepúlveda as the new translation coordinator for the IAD office.

The worship program also featured a concert by Harold Dorsett of The Bahamas.

The Inter-American Division oversees the work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, French Antilles, as well as Colombia and Venezuela. The IAD oversees thousands of churches, hundreds of schools and universities, and 14 hospitals in its territory.

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