February 2, 2016 | Mandeville, Jamaica | Nigel Coke/IAD

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Jamaica is disassociating itself from comments made by one of its clergy at the People’s National Party (PNP) mass rally in Half-Way-Tree, in St. Andrew, on Jan. 31, 2016.

Pastor Everete Brown, president of the Adventist Church in Jamaica. Image by Nigel Coke/IAD

Pastor Michael Harvey, who is employed by the church’s flagship education institution Northern Caribbean University (NCU) in the capacity of church pastor and vice president of spiritual affairs, told the large gathering that they should rise up and be counted in his exhortation for them, to vote for the PNP.

“We are distancing ourselves from statements made by Pastor Harvey during the PNP mass rally held in Half-Way-Tree on Sunday,” said Pastor Everett Brown, president of the Adventist Church in Jamaica.

“I wish to restate for all our workers, including those at NCU and every Adventist-owned institution, members, and the public at large that the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Jamaica does not support any political party.”

NCU officials released a statement distancing from comments made by institution’s vice president.

According to a Gleaner online report, titled “Rise up and be counted, pastor rallies Jamaicans to vote PNP,” the pastor, who did the devotion at the meeting, was quoted saying that the philosophies of the party are aligned with his, and hence his support for it. However, according to Pastor Brown, it is the right of members as citizens to exercise their franchise, and vote for the candidates of their choice, but the church will not publicly or privately endorse any political party or support partisan political activities.

Northern Caribbean University is located in Mandeville, Jamaica. Image courtesy of Northern Caribbean University.

“The stance taken by the pastor is a misrepresentation of our global church policy. As a worker of the church he should not be so involved in partisan political activities to the extent that his comments may influence the actions of any of our members or give the public any impression that the Church is aligned with any of our political parties,” said Brown.

“The church will support the Government of the day, whichever party or combination of parties forms it.”

“Our work,” Brown continued, “is to share the love of Jesus Christ to men and women so they may come into a saving relationship with Him. We do so by the preaching of the gospel and extending our arms of love to help those “in need” in the communities in which our church operates.”

For more about the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Jamaica, visit jmunion.org

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