A group of young adults from the Philipsburg Adventist Church and surrounding congregations spend time studying the Sabbath School lesson at their Bible Cafe in the Caribbean Island of St. Maarten. Image by Royston Philbert

March 30, 2016 | Philipsburg, St. Maarten | Royston Philbert/IAD Staff

A Bible Café in the Caribbean island of St. Maarten is keeping Adventist young adults interested in studying their Sabbath School lesson every week. For nearly a year now, some two-dozen young adults from the Philipsburg Adventist Church take time to munch on the Word of God together and connect in a friendly environment.

The café meets once per month and is part of the ministry for young adults run by the young adult Sabbath School class.
“It’s a relaxed atmosphere where we share our views and find a true friend in Christ,” said Kimasha Williams, a young adult Sabbath School teacher and one of the organizers of the Bible Café. “It started when we realized that we needed another way to get the young adults interested in the Sabbath School lesson, so we began the class from Friday evening.”

Young people share during a Bible Cafe session earlier this month.

It’s more than a café, said Williams. “It’s an outreach ministry with young adults within our congregations and our community,” she added.

The café has also brought in young adults from another Adventist congregation where they also discuss issues they face and build on their faith. The sessions are led by young adults who understand the need to have a personal encounter with God.
“Ministering to the hearts of others and prayer and bible study is a sacred privilege,” said Kevin Simon, a Sabbath school teacher. “Angels will attend and reach the heart and lead that person to Christ, so we are engaging the youth to discuss the Sabbath School lesson and other topics.”

Vashni Cuvalay, pastor of the Philispburg Adventist Church points out that the primary benefit the café provides the church an opportunity to build a good rapport with the youth and helps them to solidify their faith while growing in Christ. “They are preparing to take the Church forward,” he added.

“In a world filled with hatred, violence and suffering, God is offering us His gift of eternal life,” said young adult leader Clara George. “If we can show Christ’s love for us, hearts will respond to that love and want to follow as God leads.”

While it is presently facilitated and visited mostly by members of the church, the Bible café is open to any young adult ages 18-35 in the community as well as young adults in the other six Adventist congregations on the island.

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