Inter-American Division leaders stand before the Central American leadership highlighting the many facets of the Lord Transform Me initiative during a special summit began May 29, 2016, in San Rafael, Managua, Nicaragua. Images by Libna Stevens/IAD

May 30, 2016 | San Rafael, Managua, Nicaragua | Libna Stevens/IAD

IAD President Pastor Israel Leito speaking to the delegation.

More than 250 administrators, department directors, and district pastors from unions, conferences, missions and institutions across Central America convened in Montelimar, Nicaragua, for the next two days to pray, reflect, and study strategies and activities to join in Inter-America’s Lord Transform Me evangelism initiative.

“We all need to be transformed in the image of Christ Jesus,” said Pastor Israel Leito, president of the church in Inter-America, as he addressed the leadership. Pastor Leito invited all the leaders to unite as brethren and unite in Christ to move forward in leading the nearly one million church members across the church in Central America for a renewed experience involved in the mission of the church.

“There have been many evangelism initiatives and themes throughout the years in Inter-America,” said Pastor Leito. “This time, we want to focus on what Christ can do to continue working in us and transforming us every day so that he can use us.”

The “Lord Transform Me” initiative is in response to the Adventist world church’s call for Total Member Involvement in the life of the church and its community.

Delegation enjoys the drama performance during the opening of the Lord Transform Me summit.

Church leaders were reminded of how God transformed the lives of men and women who had a heart willing to serve Him, through a special drama performance.

The next two days will see leaders from Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and Belize, reviewing strategies and activities that will be presented in nearly 4,300 churches and congregations in the coming months and years in order to motivate members to be intentional about sharing the gospel in their communities.

Additional summits will take place next month.

For more information on Inter-America’s “Lord Transform Me” initiative, visit us at

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