Church leaders and staff at the Inter-American Division headquarters office in Miami, Florida, pray together during the spiritual emphasis week held May 16-21, 2016. Image by Keila Trejo/IAD

May 22, 2016 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens/IAD

Seventh-day Adventist leaders and staff at the Inter-American Division (IAD) headquarter office in Miami, Florida, took time to pray and worship during a week of spiritual emphasis May 16-21, 2016.

Dr. Fazadudin Hosein from the University of Southern Caribbean was the keynote speaker during the week of spiritual emphasis at the IAD. Image by Keila Trejo/IAD

The week of prayer allowed the more than 75 church employees time for spiritual reflection as the church across the Inter-America embarks on seeking a personal and collective transformation from studying the Word of God in daily prayer and guidance of the Holy Spirit for further service in the church and the community during the current five-year period.

“It is important as church leaders in this office to be re-energized by the Word of God as we strive to accomplish the mission of the church with our given responsibilities here,” said Pastor Hector Sanchez, ministerial secretary of the church in Inter-America and one of the main organizers of the annual IAD week of prayer.

Dr. Fazadudin Hosein, dean and professor of the School of Theology and Religion at the University of the Southern Caribbean, was the keynote speaker. Dr. Faz, as he likes to be called, examined several of Jesus’ parables during each morning’s worship segment. Dr. Faz has a specialty in New Testament Studies.

“Sometimes we are only playing church,” said Dr. Faz, as he addressed the top leadership of the church who oversee 3.7 million members in the IAD territory.

Dr. Myrna Costa, IAD vice president places a prayer request on the prayer wall during the week. Image by Keila Trejo/IAD

“Sometimes we are not earnest about the mission of the church and the call of Christ to serve others, and this is the highest level of operation in the church in the Division.” Dr. Faz reminded the leadership that they must be the most humble of workers in the IAD.

“Don’t be distracted because we are all called to work in this church so don’t forget about that pearl, don’t be missing out on the Kingdom of God,” emphasized Dr. Faz.

Time during the week saw church employees praying for one another, in groups, reflecting on Scripture reading at different times of the work day.
Shirnet Wellington, who works for the Inter-American Theological Seminary registrar’s office, said the week had been the most comprehensive and spiritual she has been a part of since she began to work in the IAD in 2003.

“This week of prayer left a new meaning to the parables and how it applies in our lives,” said Wellington. “It allowed us to be more cohesive, more friendly and understanding each other,” said Wellington. “The feeling that we are all equal at the foot of the cross brings about understanding within the staff family.”

For Wendy Tejada, who began working at the IAD office seven months ago in the Youth Ministries department, the week of prayer was a real blessing. “It left me convicted on how we need to treasure the eternal truths of the Bible in our hearts every day,” Tejada said. “We need to concern ourselves with the salvation of others and work towards our own salvation, as well.”

The IAD week of spiritual emphasis concluded with a communion and church service this weekend.

For more information about the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Inter-America, visit

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