Jose Ignacio Santos practices during his summer scholarship in Boston, Massachusetts, United States. Image courtesy of Jose Ignacio Ramos

June 27, 2016 | Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic | Laura Duran/IAD Staff

After winning an audition for a summer scholarship to the Berklee College of Music, in Boston, Massachusetts, Jose Ignacio Santos, 23, scored a full scholarship to the prestigious institution.

As a clarinet player, Santos always dreamed of pursuing a music degree at Berklee. From He began to play the clarinet at a very young age at his home church, Quisquella 1 Adventist Church in Santo Domingo, and spent years directing the church’s band. Santos belongs to the Juan Pablo Duarte Young Symphonic Orchestra and the Young Americas Orchestra in Santo Domingo.

He auditioned at the National Conservatory, which gathered outstanding students from across the island through the joint program with Berklee College of Music.

Jose Ignacio Santos stands during rehearsal with the Orchestra of the Americas in the Dominican National Theater. Image from Facebook

Santos says his love of music began during worship services at his home church. Quisqueya 1 Adventist Church has been known as a strong musical church and for years has encouraged children and adolescents to pick up an instrument or sing in the different musical groups of the church, local church leaders said. Baptized at 9 years of age and schooling at the church’s Metropolitan Adventist Academy in Santo Domingo, Santos decided to study music professionally.

“I have the strong wish to praise God with the talents He has given me,” Santos said.

Santos composes, arranges, and plays for the band at church and served as its director. He also has been a youth leader during youth weekly meetings.

David Uribe, pastor of the Quisqueya 1 church, is proud of Santos’ accomplishments. “We are very glad for the blessings Jose Ignacio has received as a result of his great talent and faithfulness to God,” said Uribe. “He is a Christian young man, dedicated, respectful, very professional and extremely talented.”

Students had the opportunity to audition for a summer scholarship so Santos decided to apply for further studies while enrolled in the summer program this month.

“I didn’t just want to take a summer course, because my dream was to obtain a professional degree at Berklee,” said Santos. He received a 75 percent scholarship and while he waited to see if the Ministry of Higher Education in the Dominican Republic would make up the difference, Santos decided to audition a second time for a full four-year scholarship which he was granted. A few weeks later, the Ministry of Higher Education awarded him with 25 percent assistance for his living expenses while he studies at Berklee through 2020.

With all the opportunities coming at him, Santos was surprised and grateful. “I’m so thankful to God because he has doubly blessed me during this whole process.”

Santos becomes the second church member from the Dominican Republic to receive a full scholarship to Berklee College of Music. Two years ago, Pauly German, a piano student, was awarded a full scholarship as well.

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