More than 1,300 district pastors, department directors and administrators from across Mexico and Jamaica met for Inter-America’s second regional summit on the “Lord Transform Me” evangelism initiative that began in Riviera Maya, Quintana Roo in Mexico, June 5, 2016. Images by Libna Stevens/IAD

June 6, 2016 | Riviera Maya, Quintana Roo, Mexico | Libna Stevens/IAD

Hundreds of Seventh-day Adventist leaders from across Mexico and Jamaica converged in Riviera Maya in South Mexico last night to pursue a transformation in Christ Jesus and to be instructed on the evangelism initiative that will drive the church in their respective territories during the next four years.

IAD Treasurer Filiberto Verduzco speaks to the leaders who will implement the “Lord Transform Me” initiative in Mexico and Jamaica.

“Just by having a personal relationship with the Lord, we are transformed,” said Filiberto Verduzco, treasurer of the church in Inter-America as he addressed the more than 1,300 ministers and church administrators. “There’s no other way than to walk hand in hand with the Lord so that we can be transformed and become a useful instrument for His kingdom.”

Instruments for God means coming together as a church body to promote a spiritual transformation in Jesus through strategic plans that lead to a daily study of the Bible and prayerful lifestyle for more than one million church members across Mexico and Jamaica, top church leaders said.

That will be accomplished by implementing key elements of the Inter-American Division’s “Lord Transfrom Me” where church members will be motivated and involved in action plans and activities where they will (1) transform and live, (2) explore and learn, (3) connect and share, (4) proclaim and reap and (5) conserve and disciple.

Children performing during folkloric segment during the opening of the summit.

Adventist leaders prayed together and were reminded of the transformation men and women experienced when following God’s direction in biblical times through a special drama performance during the evening program.

A Mexican-themed folkloric performance also welcomed delegates to the three-day summit.

The next two days will see leaders from Mexico’s Central Mexican, Chiapas Mexican, Inter-Oceanic, North Mexican, Southeast Mexican and Jamaica Unions, reviewing strategies and activities that will be promoted in nearly 9,000 churches and congregations to fulfill the mission of the church.

The summit becomes the second in a series of five “Lord Transform Me” regional meetings.

For a photo gallery of Inter-America’s “Lord Transform Me” summit in Mexico, click HERE

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