Seventh-day Adventist world leaders and Bible scholars spoke during Montemorelos University’s 5th Bible Conference, held July 6-9, 2016 in Montemorelos, Mexico. Images by Esteban de la Cruz.

July 21, 2016 | Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico | IAD Staff

Pastor Jim Nix, director of the White Estate, speaks during the conference as Ekel Collins of Montemorelos University translates.

Seventh-day Adventist Church leaders and ministers met for a Bible Conference in Montemorelos University earlier this month to study the gift of prophecy in Scripture and in history. The four-day event, organized by the White Research Center and the Theology Department in Montemorelos, brought local church leaders and more than 500 pastors from across the Inter-American Division, July 6-9, 2016.

The conference dove into a deep study of the Scriptures to analyze the prophetic gift from the different perspectives in the Old and New Testament, as well as historic view in the context of Christianity throughout the centuries with different religious faiths and in the Seventh-day Adventist Church with the prophetic ministry of Ellen G. White, the church’s co-founder, as well as its relevance for the current time, organizers said.

The Bible Conference is one that is held every two years and becomes the fifth hosted in Montemorelos University.

“Our goal is to continue providing teaching and accurate orientation to pastors and local church leaders in Mexico and beyond in terms of the biblical foundations led by God to His children with the prophetic gift,” said Juan José Andrade, director of the Ellen G. White Research Center in Montemorelos University.

Pastor Juan José Andrade, director of the Ellen G. White Research Center in Montemorelos.

According to Andrade, many individuals question the relevance of the prophetic gift in the present time, so the bible conference was important to significantly provide in-depth study of the messages provided by Ellen G. White.

“We want our leaders to promote and encourage greater dissemination, study and knowledge of the writings inspired by God to Ellen G. White as an inexhaustible source of advice, guidance and relevant guidance in our preparation for the Second Coming of Christ,” explained Andrade.

The conference came up with a Statement of Consensus on the Gift of Prophecy in Scripture and History.

Adventist world leaders and scholars who spoke during the Bible conference included:

• From the White Estate: James R. Nix, director; Alberto Timm, associate director; Dwain Esmond, associate director; William Fagal, former associate director;

• From the Bible Research Institute: Elias Brasil de Souza, director; Clinton Wahlen, associate director; Angel Manuel Rodriguez, former Biblical Research director;

One of the break out rooms during the four-day Bible conference.

• Judson Lake from Southern Adventist University; Zeno Charles Marcel, associate director, health ministries at the General Conference;

• Professors from Andrews University: Felix Cortez, Davide Sciarabba, Ranko Stefanovic, and John Reeve;

• Leon B. Wellington, director of Spirit of Prophecy in the Inter-American Division; Ismael Castillo, president of Montemorelos Univeristy, Raquel B. Korniejczuk, vice president of Montemorelos University; Efrain Velazquez, president of the Inter-American Adventist Theological Seminary;

• Charles White, great grandson of Ellen G. White and promoter of the Spirit of Prophecy ministries in Arizona; and Abner Hernandez, doctoral candidate in systematic theology and history of the Christian church.

For more information on the Bible Conference, click HERE

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