October 6, 2016 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens/IAD
The Seventh-day Adventist Church around the world will mobilize thousands of its Adventist students who study in public campuses and professionals during a special weekend event coined as Global Public Campus Ministries (PCM) Weekend, October 14-16, 2016.
Jiwan Moon, Public Campus Ministries director for the Adventist World Church. Image by North Colombia Union
The Global PCM Weekend aims to connect and involve students, academic and professionals in mission and service in their universities, home churches, and communities. It is the first time such joint event is organized by PCM Ministries around the world church.
“This weekend you become ambassadors and missionaries on campus, in the church and in your community,” said Jiwan Moon, PCM director for the Adventist world church, during a recorded video message.
The weekend is about empathizing and finding ways to connect with fellow students and show appreciation to professors and campus staff, said Moon. It’s also about engaging students and professionals in church worship and fellowship with Adventists and empowering and urging students to render services for the needs of their communities.
A special 24-hour live broadcast will be transmitted on Hope TV, starting on Friday, Oct. 14 at 7:00pm to Saturday, Oct. 15 at 7:00pm Eastern Standard Time. Special worship services will be broadcast live from around the world, starting in Australia, then Korea, Kenya, England, North America, Brazil and Inter-America, where university students and professionals will gather to worship and talk about the importance of campus ministries.
The program will let university students know that they are valued and that God has a mission and a purpose for them as messengers of the cross in places where they live, said Moon.
Pastor Hiram Ruiz (left), PCM director in Inter-America poses with university students from Southeast Mexico before they took part in a missionary project in the community on Aug. 6, 2016. Image from Facebook: Jóvenes Universitarios DIA
The live program from Inter-America will air at approximately 5:00 p.m. EST, from Medellin, Colombia, said Hiram Ruiz, PCM director for the church in Inter-America.
“This weekend will be such a reinforcement to our growing ministry across our 24 unions,” said Ruiz. Seeing what other creative ways university students are doing in their campuses will be a big boost, he added.
In Mexico, spiritual activities at non-Christian universities is not permitted, but assisting the surrounding community and bettering the environment on behalf of campus students is being well received, explained Ruiz.
In Panama City, the president of a university welcomed and took part in the different projects on campus that Adventist students organized recently. “University students are so involved in PCM that they are now visiting Adventist high school students preparing for community outreach before they graduate,” said Ruiz.
Ruiz explained that there is a church in Medellin, Colombia, entirely made up of some 150 university students from across the region, who gather together for church every week.
“Global PCM Weekend will remind our students and professionals across Inter-America that it is not about setting themselves aside like under a blanket but becoming proactively involved in establishing a center of influence on campus and reaching out into the needs of the community,” Ruiz said.
To view the Global PCM Weekend live broadcast, visit hopetv.org
Global PCM Brochure, click HERE
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To learn more about PCM Ministries visit pcm.adventist.org