Top Inter-American leaders met with executive committee members through video conference during the first day of church’s business meetings held in Miami, Florida, United States, Oct. 27, 2016. Image by Libna Stevens/IAD
October 28, 2016 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens/IAD
Getting more members involved in the mission of the church was one central point top level Seventh-day Adventist leaders in Inter-America focused on as day one of church business meetings began yesterday in Miami, Florida. The Year-End Executive Committee meetings, which took place via conference from the Inter-American Division (IAD) Headquarters, connected church leaders from across the 24 unions, or church regions, to vote on plans, initiatives, and activities for the next months and years.
“We need to put our trust in God and not on our own efforts,” said Pastor Israel Leito, president of the church in Inter-America, as he addressed committee members. “God is on our side,” he said, quoting 2 Timothy 4:17. “We want the church in Inter-America to be reassured that Jehovah is on our side to strengthen us as we move forward with the mission of the church.”
IAD President Pastor Israel Leito (center) speaks during the first day of Year-End Executive Committee Meetings next to IAD Treasurer Filiberto Verduzco (left) and Executive Secretary Elie Henry (right). Image by Libna Stevens/IAD
With the challenge of reaching the more than 280 million people living in the 44 countries and islands comprising the IAD territory, leaders prayed and committed to inspiring and empowering their respective local leaders and members to be actively involved in proclaiming the gospel in their communities.
Among the initiatives and plans to engage members in witnessing in their communities, included:
6 million missionary books
Following the Adventist world church’s initiative in promoting an impact day for a massive distribution of the missionary book “Hope Lost then Found” and the GLOW contact leaflets and tracks, committee members voted to make April 22, 2017, a day to join together as Impact Day at IAD. Church members will take part in distributing more than 6 million copies of the books and tracks in their cities and communities to bring hope to the millions of people in Inter-America.
“Lord Transform Me” campaigns and convention
Leaders voted on a document that outlines the reaping campaigns that will take place as new members join the church in April as a result of pastors and active church members doubling their evangelism efforts now to reach others for Christ. Next year’s “Lord Transform Me” evangelism campaigns will take place in Mexico’s Inter-Oceanic Union during the week of March 24 to April 1, 2017. Evangelists from across the Inter-American territory will travel to assist in reaping campaigns and on April 1, a live program will be transmitted from six centers of impact in the Inter-Oceanic Mexican territory as well as across convention sites in the rest of Inter-America. The live broadcast will include testimonials, successful initiatives, baptisms and more. More information will be available at
Student Award for Adventist University Excellence
A “Student Award for Adventist University Excellence” initiative was voted in efforts to encourage the pursuit of academic excellence in Adventist university students in 13 of Inter-America’s universities, as well as the Herbert Fletcher University and the Inter-American Adventist Theological Seminary. Every university is to name the award of excellence for their chosen student and the IAD will award $1,000 dollars towards their education in the Adventist institution. University leaders will follow criteria to select the student to be awarded through a special study committee. According to Gamaliel Florez, education director for the church in Inter-America, the student awards were voted to be applied for the 2017 school year.
Path to Knowledge Program
Committee Member Abel Marquez, IAD communication director, submits his vote electronically during the business meeting. Image by Libna Stevens/IAD
The program involves an education tour for union education directors in Inter-America to visit one of the Adventist universities and nearby educational institutions to strengthen their leadership by exposing them to new ideas taking place in different entities in the IAD through seminars providing tools for accomplishing their functions. Universities to visit from 2017-2020 include Central American Adventist University in Costa Rica, Antillean Adventist University, in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico; Colombia Adventist University in Medellin, Colombia, and Montemorelos University in North Mexico.
Inspired to Inspire
The “Inspired to Inspire” initiative was voted to will bring together education specialists in Adventist universities across the IAD for training seminars and conferences. The initiative, which is coordinated by the Education department will seek to create spaces to share successful experiences and strengthen networks and the universities’ consortium through joint projects and collaborative initiatives.
IAD Educators will also travel to Adventist Universities in the North American Division to visit their campuses and leaders endeavoring to establish other inter-university alliances for further networking.
“Pass it On” initiative
The Adventist world church’s “Pass it On” initiative is a mentorship program that integrates youth and adults via the promotion of teaching knowledge, motivation, and leadership by adults who take a leadership role. Committee members voted the initiative to affirm the youth in the faith through training and strengthening of their ecclesiastic leadership and by advancing the vision of a Generation Transformed. The initiative will be implemented at the local church level. For more information visit
Upcoming events voted included:
Training of Committee and Board Members
An online training of organization committees and board members will be held on Nov. 30, 2016, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Themed “Transformed to Lead Effectively” will be available to view at
Believe in His Prophets – Online Seminar
An online seminar on the church’s “Believe His Prophets” initiative will be held by Inter-America’s Ministerial Association and Spirit of Prophecy Office, on April 8, 2017, from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Miami Time.
Leadership development program 2017
The IAD has embarked on a strategic initiative to democratize the leaders development program across the entire organization. The plan is intended to enhance the leadership skills of those who serve in leadership positions at all levels within the organization to prepare future effective leaders to fulfill the mission. Board members voted to hold a Segment Leader Development Conference (SeLD Conference) July 10-12, 2017, in Miami, Florida. For more information, contact your local field or union office administration.
Faith and Science Conference 2017
The conference will be led by the Inter-American Division and held at Montemorelos University, North Mexico, July 20-30, 2017.
Lord Transform Me Educational Field Trip
An education field trip to Israel will be available to outstanding soul-winners across Inter-America who have been involved in the “Lord Transform Me” initiative and worked on conserving members through the total member involvement initiative. Lay preachers, district pastors, union and local field leaders can be eligible for the sponsored tour which will enhance the effectiveness in the fulfillment of the mission. The field trip is schedule to take place February 16-27, 2019.
Leaders voted on reorganization of several conferences and missions in South Colombia, West Venezuela and North Mexico, as well as submitting the study of Belize Union of Churches to General Conference to pursue union status.
Church business meetings will continue throughout the weekend in San Salvador, El Salvador.
For more on Inter-America’s initiatives and events, visit