Seventh-day Adventist leaders from across the Inter-American Division during the opening day of the Segment Leaders Development (SeLD) Conference, July 10, 2017, in Miami, Florida, United States. Image by Libna Stevens/IAD

July 10, 2017 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens/IAD

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Inter-America began its largest territory-wide leadership training conference tonight with an opening ceremony that featured top church leaders challenging the attendees to stand firm for the Lord.

Pastor Israel Leito, president of the church in Inter-America. Image by Libna Stevens/IAD

Inter-American Division President Pastor Israel Leito, reflecting on the condition of the world at the time of Isaiah, (Isaiah 8:12-13), encouraged the hundreds of leaders to make God the anchor of their life as they serve Him and the church.

“My brother, my sister, just like the Lord did for the Prophet Isaiah, do not forget your calling, or that you were entrusted with God’s people, and that regardless of the rocky road, the Lord is on your side,” said Pastor Leito.

While there are no assurances for a smooth or perfect leadership while working for the church organization amid the challenging modern world of today, Pastor Leito reaffirmed that the only real assurance is “on the Lord, the rock on which we can hide.”

The event, coined as Segment Leadership Development (SeLD). brought more than 600 registered church leaders from across the Inter-American Division (IAD) territory for a three-day event in Miami, Florida, United States from July 10-12, 2017.

Delegates from the North Colombia Union at the SeLD opening night, July 10, 2017. Image by Libna Stevens/IAD

Pastor Leito said that he hoped the conference will turn good leaders in Inter-America into better leaders because they have deepen their trust in the Lord; that new leaders will learn that the road is not always easy; discouraged leaders will renew their strength and be ready to be used by the Lord, and God fearing leaders will continue to fix their eyes on the Lord.

“Learn this daily prayer: ‘Lord transform me to be a better leader in your hands and a better leader to your people,” Pastor Leito said.

Treasurer of the Adventist World Church Juan Prestol led the first plenary session. He touched on the big transitions leaders go through not only in their personal lives but during their leadership positions from being promoted to a higher position, the church’s election system, discord and distancing, to retirement.

“If you’re faithful to the calling you received, you want to do what God wants you to do,” said Prestol. “You want to be where God wants you to be and at the end you want to look back and say I finished the race.”

Many changes in life can turn into stresses for leaders that can lead to burn out or depression, said Prestol. It’s not about just being resilient alone, but about being positive and optimistic, and hopeful as leaders, he added.

Pastor Juan Prestol, treasurer of the Adventist world church. Image by Libna Stevens/IAD

According to Pastor Balvin Braham, assistant to the IAD president in charge of leadership development for the church in Inter-America, the conference is not only focused on individuals who are occupying positions of leadership but a process of development of a cadre of individuals who will be able to assume wider leadership roles,

“The conference is an opportunity for leaders to hone their leadership skills and be effective as can be in fulfilling their assigned responsibilities,” Braham.

Administrators, pastors, educators, church elders, department directors and officers will get a chance to sharpen their skills as they attend general sessions and seminars during the next two days.

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