Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will go towards finishing the new church at Antillean Adventist University in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. Image by Libna Stevens/IAD
March 28, 2019 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens/IAD
Thousands of Seventh-day Adventist churches across the globe will be collecting the end-of-the-quarter special offering this Sabbath, Mar. 31, to fund specific projects that grow the church in tangible ways. The Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will benefit three main projects across the church in the Inter-American Division (IAD) territory in Trinidad and Tobago, Puerto Rico and Mexico.
The University of Southern Caribbean in Trinidad plans to build a new church on campus that will also serve as a center of influence, with funds from the special offering collected. Image by Adventist Mission
“It’s a special day of celebration where churches all around the world put aside their local needs to assist specific projects elsewhere,” said Pastor Samuel Telemaque, Sabbath School director for the church in Inter-America. The day involves a special program featuring rich cultures and diversity across borders where the projects will benefit the church and the community, added Pastor Telemaque.
“There is tremendous participation in all of our churches across the IAD. Children will recite their memory verses, mission stories will be told, cultures will be highlighted and members will bring the special offering to advance the work of the gospel,” said Telemaque.
Thirteenth Sabbath Offering funds will go toward the construction of a new sanctuary at the University of Southern Caribbean in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. The church building will hold 1,700 people and house a center of influence that aims to engage people in cross-cultural mission, evangelism and urban ministry.
The special offerings will also help complete the university church at the Antillean Adventist University in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. The church will be used for worship and mission activities, as a spiritual foundation for students and a center of influence for the local community.
The Southeast Adventist Hospital will use offering funds to expand for more patient care. Image by Adventist Mission
The Southeast Adventist Hospital in Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico, will use part of the offering collected to expand and make room for more patients and offer more treatment options in its quest to offer health, healing and hope through its God-centered care. Church leaders are also planning to build an urban center of influence in the city to offer medical care and health training for the community.
“This is the biggest mobilization for Sabbath School every quarter in Inter-America and around the world,” added Telemaque. “It is exiting to see church members unite in selfless giving to advance the gospel on the Thirteenth Sabbath.”
To watch a video by Adventist Mission about the projects to benefit with the 13th Sabbath Offering collected, Click HERE for English, and HERE for Spanish.