June 25, 2018 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens/IAD

A new online “CommSessions” event next week will feature ways in which communication can be more effective among Adventists communicators and leaders within the church. The one-hour session is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, July 3, 2018, at 11:00 a.m. Miami Time.

“This is part of our larger strategy to provide training and strengthen communication skills among Adventist communicators within our Inter-American Division territory,” says Abel Márquez, communication director for the church in Inter-America and main organizer of the event.

Speakers will include board members of the Society of Adventist Communicators Interamérica chapter who will bolster corporate image, media production, digital communication, and journalism.

CommSessions is a series of talks on innovation, creativity and collaboration for pastors and leaders in the church that is organized by the communication department at the Inter-American Division and takes place every three months.

To watch the one-hour CommSessions on July 3, at 11:00 a.m. Miami Time in Spanish, English and French, go to webcast.interamerica.org

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