Dr. Richard Hart (left), president of Loma Linda University (LLU) stands next to Elie Honore, president of Adventist Healthcare Services Inter-America as he is honored with the Global Service Award by Ronald Carter, provost of LLU, during the School of Public Health’s Commencement Ceremony in Loma Linda, California, June 10, 2018. Honore was honored for his role in promoting the growth and development of individuals and institutions that support the health care ministries of the church around the world. Photo by Loma Linda University School of Public Health

June 19, 2018 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens/IAD

President of Adventist Healthcare Services Inter-America (AHSIA) Elie S. Honore was recently awarded the 2018 Global Service Award by Loma Linda University (LLU) in Loma Linda, California, United States.  Honore was honored during LLU’s School of Public Health Commencement ceremony on June 10, 2018, for “his commitment to ensuring the growth and maturity of the Inter-American Division’s association of hospitals and clinics that enjoy a reputation for health-care.”

“Today, we acknowledge the important role you have played in promoting the growth and development of individuals and institutions that support the health care ministries of the church around the world,” said Ronald Carter, Provost of LLU, during the ceremony.

Honore was commended for his forward-thinking as an administrator, his focused, visionary leadership and administrative acumen in supporting collaborations with Loma Linda University Health in the mission of teaching and healing ministry of Jesus Christ, Carter said.

Honore was one of three recipients of a service award granted by LLU this year and is the first one to receive it in the Inter-American Division (IAD).

This award carries great significance for Honore, who oversees 14 hospitals and 24 clinics throughout the IAD.

“It means that Loma Linda University is truly an international institution so tremendously focused on global outreach of the healthcare ministry,” said Honore. “Their systematic educational program at the administrative level in governance, operational procedures, analytical process, systematic plans, patient care, and more, has benefited our hospitals and the communities they serves for decades.”

Honore added that LLU has been instrumental in the hospital network growth of IAD healthcare institutions and has strengthened the sacred mission of helping people feel better beyond physical recovery.

Honore’s 48 years of service has included positions as physician, medical director, chief of medical staff in Haiti and Guyana, as well as health ministries director at the conference, union and division levels.

Born in Cap-Haitien, Haiti, Honore completed his medical doctor degree from the College of Medicine and Pharmacy of the State University of Haiti, and obtained a master’s degree in public health and a master’s degree in hospital administration from LLU.

Honore has been president of AHSIA since 2009, and has been serving in the IAD headquarter office located in Miami, Florida, the United States, for more than 28 years.

To learn more about Inter-America’s network of Adventist hospitals and clinics visit us at interamerica.org

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