Adventost World Church President Pastor Ted N.C. Wilson delivers a special message to church leaders and members during a pastoral visit in Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico, Aug. 19, 2018. Pastor Wilson was also joined by Inter-American Division administrators to take part in a constituency session of the Southeast Mexican Union. Photo by Joel Caamal/IAD
August 22, 2018 | Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico | Libna Stevens/IAD
Adventist World Church President Pastor Ted N.C. Wilson made a call to hundreds of Seventh-Adventists in Southeast Mexico during a special worship gathering held in Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico, on Aug. 19, 2018.
“God has a mission for the church in the southeast territory and that is to proclaim the Three Angels messages of Revelation 14, to lift up Christ in His righteousness, to lift up the restoration of God’s people through the Word of God, through healthful living,” said Pastor Wilson as he addressed more than 2,500 church leaders and members at the Poliforum Benito Juárez Auditorium.
Pointing to the story of Jesus and the woman at the well found in John 4, Pastor Wilson spoke about the animosity between the Jews and the Samaritans and how Jesus broke down the walls of prejudice during his visit to the well.
Some 2,500 church members from across the Southeast Mexican Union gathered at the Poliforum Benito Juárez to enjoy a church service with top church leaders. Photo by Joel Caamal/IAD
Pastor Wilson posed a question: “Where is God leading you? How is He helping you to touch the hearts of people?” he asked.
“Are you willing to go into areas where you might feel uncomfortable? Not quite the same culture or background as you? Maybe not the same social group or educational level? Where is God leading you?” said Pastor Wilson.
Reading John 4:17, he highlighted how Jesus wanted to unlock the door to reach the woman, asked a favor and tried to awaken a desire for something better in her.
“He [Jesus] awakened a personal need, He called for a decision to acknowledge Him as the Messiah and stimulated the person to make the decision,” said Pastor Wilson. Those are the same principles that Adventists should follow when dealing with people, “loving them and caring for them, touching their lives in ways in which they will respond to Jesus,” he emphasized.
The story tells that Jesus asked for a drink and offered the living water in return.
Pathfinders welcome Adventist leaders as they arrive in Cancun’s airport. Photo by Joel Caamal/IAD
“This woman represents the practical work in the faith of Jesus,” said Pastor Wilson. “Every true disciple is born in Christ as a missionary.”
The Adventist leader appealed to the congregation, who were scheduled to hold constituency meetings Sunday evening and Monday, the importance of taking an active part in the mission of the church through what the world church’s has coined as total member involvement initiative.
“God is calling you for you to be part of this last-day proclamation, regardless of your background or education, regardless of what you’re doing right now,” said Pastor Wilson. “The Lord is calling you to join forces with the Holy Spirit to be part of total member involvement, to ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to the right people who will listen to you, whom you can ask a favor of and enter into a beautiful interaction.”
Pastor Wilson challenged the congregation and online viewers of their calling to invite others to be ready for Jesus coming.
Left to right: Pastors Elie Henry, IAD president, Ted N.C. Wilson, president of the Adventist world church, and Isaías Espinoza, president of the Southeast Mexican Union, are welcomed as they arrive in Cancun, Mexico, Aug. 19, 2018. Photo by Joel Caamal/IAD
He pleaded for Adventist everywhere in the Southeast church territory to humble themselves before God, hold the Bible truths close to their hearts and be clear of who they are in God with whatever talents they have to serve in the mission of spreading the message of the gospel.
“The Lord wants to use you in total member involvement so that the work will be done in this part of the Mexico, commit your life to the Lord,” Pastor Wilson said.
Pastor Wilson was accompanied by Inter-American Division administrators who traveled together from Puebla, Mexico after a pastoral visit there and planned to oversee the constituency meetings of the Southeast Mexican Union this week.
The special gathering included devotional messages, drama performances and musical numbers.
The Southeast Mexican Union is comprised of the states of Campeche, Quintana Roo, and Yucatan; and several municipalities of Tabasco State. There are more than 100,500 Seventh-day Adventists worshiping in 1,182 churches and congregations.