Employees lead praise and worship during morning devotional services at the Inter-American Division’s annual spiritual emphasis week, in Miami, Florida, United States, June 18, 2019 Photo by Libna Stevens/IAD
June 20, 2019 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens/IAD
Seventh-day Adventist leaders, staff members and their families at the Inter-American Division headquarter office began this week taking time for special spiritual emphasis. The more than 75 church employees gathered to praise and worship together during the annual week of prayer held in Miami, Florida.
“This is a time to thank and bless the name of God,” said Pastor Josney Rodríguez, ministerial association secretary for the church in Inter-America in charge of the annual event. “It is time for a fresh anointing of His Spirit because our future challenges and our multiple needs demand that we be filled with a special provision of divine power and receive the promise of the Holy Spirit.”
Pastor Pierre Eddy Laguerre, pastor of the Mount Vernon Adventist Church in Mount Vernon, New York, is the guest speaker for the week. Pastor Laguerre challenged church leaders to reflect Jesus and allow Him to change them to His likeness.
Pastor Pierre Eddy Laguerre of the Mount Vernon Adventist Church in New York, United States, is the guest speaker during this year’s spiritual emphasis week at the IAD. Photo by Libna Stevens/IAD
“Ask the Lord to transform you so He can change you in the likeness of Christ, so you can understand the significance of your calling as you serve His church,” said Laguerre. “Constantly remain in His presence so the power of God can reside in your life.”
Laguerre reminded leaders and staff who oversee the church membership of more than 3.7 million members in Inter-America, that the church of God has access to the greatest power in the universe and that God always cares and is always present. He warned leaders not to allow the methods and systems of the world to infiltrate the church. “The church seems to imitate the sense of governing out in the world.”
“There will be issues in your life, issues in the church, but whatever comes your way, stick with God and you will be stronger for the final attack of the devil,” said Laguerre. “Give the ‘Bread of Life’ to the nations, tell the story of Christ to the peoples of the world. If we humble ourselves and pray together, giving glory to God, there’s no limit to the great miracles God will work through you.”
Church leaders and staff pray during a season of prayer, June 19, 2019. Photo by Giovany Ramirez/IAD
During the week, IAD employees prayed for one another, in groups, for families, spiritual growth and the church across the territory.
The week of spiritual emphasis will continue throughout the weekend and will include communion service and sessions of prayer.
The Inter-American Division oversees the work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 24 major church regions in Mexico, Central America, The Caribbean, Colombia and Venezuela.