October 23, 2019 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens/IAD

For the second year in-a-row, thousands of pastors from across the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Inter-America completed phase two of a comprehensive certification program which aims to inspire and provide better tools for them to minister in the more than 22,000 churches and congregations across the territory. The event was live streamed today from the Inter-American Division Headquarters Office in Miami, Florida, United States.

“God has given you a flock to care for and that is very precious,” said Pastor Elie Henry, president of the church in Inter-America during the online program today. “How are we treating that church? How are we strengthening that church?”

Pastor Henry encouraged the more than 2,000 taking part in the certification program across Inter-America to praise God and depend on Him as they realize that God has provided health, family, talents, and needs their service to fulfill the mission, as he reflected on Matthew 25.

Inter-American Division President Pastor Elie Henry speaks to thousands of pastors during phase two of the church’s  certification training program on Oct. 23, 2019, held in Miami, Florida, United States. Photo: Libna Stevens/IAD

“God has given us that purpose to do everything we can to help those who do not know Christ. Honor Him in all you do for we have been called by God,” Pastor Henry said. “We need to continue serving, educating, and evangelizing everywhere we go.”

The two-and-a-half hour program is part of a comprehensive certification program that will see pastors better equipped in the areas of administration, preaching, pastoral care and teaching by the time the third level concludes next year, said Pastor Josney Rodríguez, ministerial association secretary for the church in Inter-America.

“We want to help the church membership grow, be discipled and active participants in the mission of the church,” said Rodríguez. The certification program is about strengthening pastoral leadership to motivate the more than 3.7 million members in Inter-America.

Pastor Josney Rodríguez, ministerial association secretary, says the certification program hopes to help the church membership grow, be disicpled and ative in the mission of the church. Photo: Libna Stevens/IAD

The online program touched on the LOGOS Bible software which is available through a special subsidy subscription to pastors across Inter-America. “You have a wonderful and powerful tool so we want to encourage you pastors to use this software,” said Pastor Leonard Johnson, executive secretary for the church in Inter-America, as he explained a few useful features in Bible sermon preparation.

In addition, IAD Treasurer Pastor Filiberto Verduzco spoke on a new resource available to every pastor and the membership at large on how the church handles its finances from the moment tithes and offerings are collected at the church level and its function in financing the church in Inter-America and the world church.

The church member in the Inter-America not only makes it possible for the mission of the church to be fulfilled but allows for souls to come to the feet of Jesus,” said Verduzco. “So we know that the church member is a key person in the fulfillment of the church.” The book entitled “The Church, Its Finances and The Mission” is a new book that will be distributed across Inter-America and will be available online for members so they can understand the stewardship and finances to be implemented in 2020 and beyond.

IAD Treasurer Filiberto Verduzco shares the new book entitled “The Church, Its Finances and the Mission” which explains how the church handles finances impact the local church and the world church. Photo: Keila Trejo/IAD

The online program highlighted one prominent pastor from each of the 24 unions in Inter-America for their outstanding discipleship ministry throughout 2019.

IAD leaders congratulated the many unions who have ensured that their pastors are taking part in the comprehensive certification program during the three-year-period ending next year. Among the top unions that have so far certified 100 percent of their pastors in the program include the Chiapas Mexican Union, East Venezuela Union, Panama Union, and Belize Union.

Next year, the certification program for pastors will focus on pastoral family care, according to Pastor Rodríguez.

Pastors from the Altiplano Mission in Guatemala hold their certificates after watching the online program of Oct. 23, 2019. Photo: Courtesy of Guatemala Union

To watch Inter-America’s Pastor Certification program held Oct. 23, 2019, as follows:

English, Click HERE

Spanish, Click HERE

French, Click HERE

See a photo gallery of online event HERE

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