January 17, 2020 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens/IAD

Every year the Ministerial Association of the Inter-American Division (IAD) sets aside a special week of prayer to minister to the more than 3,700 pastoral families shepherding in the 23,000 churches and congregations across the territory. This year’s pastoral family week of prayer will take place Jan. 27-31, 2020, with a series of spiritual messages to be shown live online starting at 7:30 p.m. Miami Time.

“The world is going through so many crises today and the church is facing a world with so many challenges that the church pastor, his wife and children, need to be strengthened by God every day,” said Pastor Josney Rodríguez, ministerial association secretary for the church in Inter-Ameica. “Pastors need to be able to minister the church members with greater power, effectiveness and efficiency through the great challenges pressing them today.”

One challenge that comes up among pastors in Inter-America is the difficulty in being able to minister to their families as a husband and father while also ministering to in some cases multiple church memberships, said Rodríguez.

In the IAD territory, a single pastor is leading an average of 10 churches, and some pastors have as many as 40. Many find it difficult to have enough time to minister in the home, he explained.

Pastoral week of prayer will provide a peaceful pause for pastoral families to gather and be ministered to and prayer for during the busy week, said Rodríguez.

The online short messages will feature President of the Inter-American Division Pastor Elie Henry as the main speaker, as well as short testimony moments and special prayer.

Tune into webcast.interamerica.org to view this year’s pastoral family week of prayer in English, Spanish and French, starting at 7:30 p.m. Miami Time.

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