March 12, 2020 | Mandeville, Manchester, Jamaica | Shannette Smith, Northern Caribbean University/IAD News Staff

Where was God when the war was at home, when the pharmacist was shot, when he had to live in the dangerous jungle, pondered Sirivudh Ly, when his friend was beaten to death and when he was alone in the killing fields before dawn under the moonlight.

Dozens of students on the Mandeville Campus of Northern Caribbean University sat in deafening silence as Pastor Ly related how he found God in a life of pain and hate. Ly, who is district pastor of the Cambodian Seventh-day Adventist Church and Mount Zion Filipino Adventist Church in Canada, recently addressed them during their Monday Chapel session. Among those in the audience were NCU President, Dr. Lincoln Edwards; President of the Ontario Conference, Dr. Mansfield Edwards; and Education Director of the Jamaica Union, Michael Henry.

The son of a high-ranking military officer and a horror camp survivor, Ly kept the audience engaged with his humble smile, his pleasant personality and his interactive and pictorial presentation. “In Everything, Give Thanks,” he said as he encouraged the audience to see all that is good in every circumstance and to maintain positive views about God.

Pastor Sirivudh Ly, district pastor of the Cambodian Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada, addresses student assembly at Northern Caribbean University in Mandeville, Jamaica. [Photo: Northern Caribbean University]

God of the Impossible

Claiming that his story was not so important, Ly stated, “The power of the One who changed me is most important,” he said. “Life is a choice. You can choose to see a good thing or you can choose to see a bad thing. Whatever you put in you, it multiplies out.” He encouraged persons to trust in the God of the impossible rather than complain. He affirmed that each life was meant for a purpose by God.

For most of the students in the audience, the “Killing Fields of Cambodia” was a strange and unfamiliar historic fact until now. By the end of Pastor Ly’s presentation, a feeling of awe and gratitude permeated the room.

“God cannot bless us because we doubt Him. Don’t worry because He’s God,” Ly asserted. With an attitude of forgiveness, he added: “If persons hate you, it is a blessing. Why? Because you can learn how to love.” While acknowledging the presence of evil and trials in the world, he declared, “Just wait for Him [Jesus], He is coming soon!”

Abusive, Drunk Father

Ly’s story began in 1960. Long before the establishment of the Democratic Kampuchea by the Communist Party of Kampuchea in 1975. Though he grew up with no lack of food and other basics, his house was controlled by a father who was abusive when drunk.

L-R, Pastor Sirivudh Ly,  district pastor of the Cambodian Seventh-day Adventist Church; D.r Lincoln Edwards, president Northern Caribbean University; and Dr. Mansfield Edwards, president of the Ontario Conference in Canada, following a recent chapel service at the university campus in Mandeville, Jamaica. [Photo: Northern Caribbean University]

At about age 13, his life was about to get worse. At the start of the nightmare for his country and his family, the command was given for citizens in various parts of Cambodia to “move into the country side for three days.” Three days became three years, eight months and twenty days. Most of his family was murdered and he ended up alone. He recalled when he went to a store to buy medicine for his grandmother. Three soldiers with AK47 guns came in and ordered the store closed. The pharmacist who attempted to advocate for the people was shot and the blood splashed on Ly.

That experience was followed by others. With nothing but the clothes on their backs, he and the few surviving members of his family had to live in dense forest with no supplies. Sickness, pain and death were regular occurrences. Anger and fear were the only emotions he could feel.

Where was God?

Things got even worse. He became a slave in a labor camp. He was alone, overworked and angry. The pain of losing his family and leaving his home was raw. If there was a God, He must have been powerless, cruel and unfair. No loving God would allow the good and innocent to suffer. Where was God?

Ly, in a suicidal moment, decided to put God to the test while hungry, exhausted and working endlessly in a lonely field. God responded. His oppressors allowed him to eat despite the work not being completed. Eventually, things got better. He got the opportunity to learn and teach English. He eventually decided to be an Adventist pastor.

Today he is married, has three biological children and two adopted ones. Now part of his ministry is to share his story, bring glory to God and give persons a reason to live a life of gratitude, despite their circumstances.

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