March 5, 2020 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News

An online evangelism series called Let’s Talk About Him will be launched as a digital media initiative that will expand on who Jesus is, His power and His plan for mankind. The five-minute talk, which starts Mar. 13-20, 2020, seeks to motivate Seventh-day Adventist members all across the Inter-American Division (IAD) to dig deeper into who Jesus is and share with family, friends and non-believers through any and every social media platform.

“This initiative is all about celebrating the joy that comes by talking about Jesus, establishing connections with non-believers, former members, friends, and acquaintances, to take part in this conversation about Jesus and the love, the saving, and healing that He gives to all,” said Pastor Balvin Braham, assistant to the IAD president for evangelism. “We want everyone to be involved, children, young persons, young adults, your friends, everyone in your circle,” he said.

The five-minute daily series is part of a collaboration between evangelism, youth, personal ministries and communication departments in partnership with Hope Channel Inter-America, organizers said. The series features young people in Jamaica, Mexico, and Martinique, and will be heard in English, Spanish and French.

The series can be watched every day at 7:00 p.m. Miami Time, by visiting The website will also feature a number of bible study lessons that can be completed through the management of Inter-America’s online Herbert Fletcher University.

“We want to provide additional resources for in-depth bible study lessons, all available with a click of a button,” said Braham. It’s an opportunity to witness to others by simply taking a few seconds to follow-up on persons contacted with the link of the series, he explained. “This is a beautiful program to create curiosity on Who is ‘Him’ what is it about Him and all the questions that come along with getting to know Him”

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