GC Session plans are still in place, while world church leaders continue to monitor the situation

As many people are fully aware, there is a very serious health situation affecting various parts of the globe in relation to the coronavirus COVID-19 illness.  About 90,000 people have been diagnosed in about 65 countries worldwide with over 3,000 deaths attributed to COVID-19.  This has caused increasing apprehension in travel, business, health care, in scheduling of meetings, and in general daily life.  As many of you know, recently, I requested prayer for this unusual illness and am now reiterating a special call for prayer regarding the coronavirus COVID-19 worldwide developments.  Continue to pray for our church members and the population of many countries around the world and especially for those who have contracted this illness and those who have lost loved ones.  Let us be strong witness in Total Member Involvement sharing Christ’s love and care to those in need in a very helpful and appropriately health-conscious manner.

Some people have been asking about plans for the 2020 General Conference Session to be held in Indianapolis, Indiana, June 25-July 4, 2020.  Please be assured that the General Conference executive officers and other officers and leaders are reviewing the situation and possible scenarios.  Every effort will be made to provide for the best approaches to be taken in case of a continued unfolding of challenging circumstances in health protection and travel.  However, at this point in time, the current and long-standing plans for the 2020 General Conference Session are still in place.  Please pray for God’s guidance and direction in all that is done.

Let us take comfort and complete reliance in the Lord as we claim Psalm 37:3-5 in challenging times, “Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.  Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.  Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.”  As the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church, we are in His hands in whatever difficulties we face for the great mission to proclaim Christ, His three angels messages, and His soon second coming.  Thank you for praying for God’s church and its work.

Ted N. C. Wilson is the president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 

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