UPDATED March 13, 2020 – General Conference’s Youth Ministries Department has postponed Global Youth Day major activities scheduled for March 21. Due to the rapid spread of the COVID-19 Virus (which has been declared a pandemic) and our sincere desire to protect your health and that of your families and local communities, we are officially postponing Global Youth Day 2020 activities and transitioning to a prayer focus instead. We will be conducting two, two-hour shows, to pray for those affected by the virus and for global health. We will also be giving some practical tips on how to “Be the Sermon” throughout the year and how to stay healthy. So be sure to join us on Facebook @gcyouthministries from 6-8 a.m. EST or 8-10 p.m. EST on Sabbath March 21, 2020. By the way, the second showing will be a repeat of the first.- Youth Ministries, Adventist World Church

March 11, 2020 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News

Saturday, March 21, will bring thousands of Seventh-day Adventist young people together to impact their communities with acts of kindness and compassion during what the world church has coined as its annual Global Youth Day. The special annual day motivates young people to get out of their comfort zones to “Be the Sermon” as they show their love of Jesus where they live.

The vision of GYD is to recapture the reality of Adventist youth as a global movement mobilized for service, contributing to the proclamation of the everlasting gospel and ushering in the second coming of Jesus Christ, Adventist world church youth ministries leaders stated.

For the more than 1.5 million Adventist youth across Inter-America, the impact means an opportunity to show the homeless, the sick, the elderly, the needy and anyone they can share hope in the cities and/or communities where they live.

Young people will focus this year on caring for the refugees, the homeless and strangers. With the “I Care” theme this year, the global initiative seeks to remind young people all around the world to make a difference in the lives of so many who are in need of help, love and hope near them.

“I’ve seen and felt the dedication and service that young people all across Inter-America have during this annual ‘Global Youth Day’ year after year,” said Pastor Al Powell, youth ministries director for the church in Inter-America. “This is not only about a special GYD impact but about cultivating a lifestyle of caring for others everyday. We look forward to viewing all the impact and care thousands throughout this great division through videos reports and social media impressions.”

Global Youth Day activities around the world will be featured during a 24-hour live transmission on globalyouthday.org

The IAD will host one and a half hours of the live transmission from Medellin, Colombia, from 3:19 p.m. to 4:18 p.m. Miami Time.

The live program will be carried on webcast.interamerica.org in English and will feature activities from the 24 unions, or church regions comprising the IAD.

In addition, Global Youth Day ushers the youth week of prayer and home coming during the week of March 21-28, 2020.

GYD Facebook: Adventist Global Youth Day

Hashtags: #GYD20

GYD webpage: globalyouthday.org

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