April 9, 2020 | Miami, Florida, United States | By: Hiram Ruiz, Inter-American Division

Do you remember what Psalm 32:8 says? “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye on you.” Look around you for a moment. What do you have available? What can you do with what you have?

On March 23, just a few days after launching our Public Campus Ministries virtual church service, I saw a young lady crying during a broadcast where we were surrounded by university students and professionals such as you. She told us, “I felt so lonely, under a lot of pressure, fearing that I wouldn’t be able to cope with what my days would bring. But then I read a post about the PCM online church, and here I am. I want to thank you for what you are doing. This has become my refuge, my oasis in the midst of all that is happening around me, which I thought I would not be able to face.”

She wiped away her tears and told us, “Thank you for the songs, thank you for today’s message, thank you for your smiles, thank you for praying for us, thank you for letting me speak.”

A few minutes later, I prayed for her and for all those who were attending our virtual service (a daily average of 55 meetings points), and her face changed. Her pain left her and was replaced by lively eyes, a big smile and a sense of calmness and peace.

As you look around to decide what to do allow me to share some suggestions with you. Remember that we are almost 20,000 university students involved in this ministry in different capacities, even in the midst of all that is currently happening.

First, I invite you to thank God because you are reading these lines. Think of the words in Psalm 63:3. More people than you could ever imagine will never read these lines. You won’t find them where they used to be. They have become just a memory, because death has taken them.

Second, look around you as you read John 4:35. Do you think this harvest is referring to your relatives, friends, or tenants?

Let me suggest something you can do for them. I’ll share with you the experience of Eric García, from El Salvador. On March 20, in the midst of the pandemic, he created a Zoom group, to bring his friends together to sing and pray. In just a few days, it became the PCM virtual church, which included participants from 16 countries across Inter-America, South America, and around the world. The group meets every weekday at 8:00 p.m. (US Eastern Time), and Saturdays at 11:30 a.m. There are now more than twelve groups that meet in various countries across our division. On April 2, Pastor Elie Henry, president of the church in Inter-America, delivered the worship service sermon where he talked about a God who listens, sees, knows, and acts on our behalf.

Enrique Chuc Mac, a PCM leader in Guatemala, shared that he had been out to buy some groceries when he saw a homeless person. He purchased some food for him, following Jesus’ example in Matthew 14:13,14. He was almost arrested, because he was not supposed to take a detour while purchasing supplies. But the gratitude of the homeless person overshadowed his difficult experience.

What about praying for a church friend? Send him a message, or call him to ask how is he doing during the lockdown, what is he doing to maintain his health and the health of others? Ask him which verse from the Bible has helped him to cope during this time. Then you can tell him that you want to pray for him and ask what is his prayer request. Pray and wish him goodbye. If, it is possible, repeat this with as many you can, and want to reach. If your friend is not a Christian, you may inquire if there was anything that has helped him during this time. Let him know how God has helped you to cope, and that you would like to ask God to help him too.” You can read Psalm 57:1.

Remember your school teachers as well. As you are studying online, send a private chat or text message to your teacher, thanking him for the great effort he is making in teaching that course. You can tell him or her, “Professor, I am not sure whether you believe in God, but I do, and I will ask Him to strengthen you and your family so this will eventually come to an end and you may keep well.

Do you remember any person that ever approached you just because he knew you were a Christian and he needed your advice? Now it’s time to talk with him again. You can share a song about God’s protection. Let him know you remembered him and want to encourage him. Tell him not to hesitate to call you if he needs to talk. Talk to that friend who for some reason you had not been able to contact before. Spending time listening to another person is priceless.

Remember, today is the time for telling others that we are here to be their family. God will take care of you! It is time to show compassion for each other, as stated in Matthew 9:36-38. Ellen G. White reminds us: “Let not the youth be ignored; let them share in the labor and responsibility. Let them feel that they have a part to act in helping and blessing others” (Testimonies for the church, vol. 6, p. 435).

Hiram Ruiz is the Chaplaincy and Public Campus Ministries director for the Inter-American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

Translation by: Marcos Paseggi

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