June 9, 2020 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News
Seventh-day Adventist hospital administrators and church leaders throughout the Inter-American Division (IAD) territory recently paused for spiritual reflection and prayer for physicians, other health professionals, and general staff as they care for patients during the pandemic crisis. The video conference session was meant to reaffirm the mission of spreading hope, love and compassion – even in the midst of stringent measures of operation across the 14 Adventist hospitals in Inter-America.
“The work that you are doing as front line workers, sacrificing family, your personal life, to save people in service to the community is essential as part of the [health] ministry,” said Pastor Elie Henry, president of the church in Inter-America as addressed the dozens of leaders on May 31, 2020. “To be the hands of God like this…thank you for who you are and what you’re doing as a physician, as a nurse, as a medical professional…please know that God will not abandon you.”
The encouragement came as health ministries leaders from the Adventist World Church pointed to the bible and the storms God’s people had to face in the past.
Dr. Peter Landless, health ministries director for the Adventist world church, encourages hospital administrators and church leaders on video conference on May 31, 2020, as they lead the 14 Adventist hospitals across Inter-America, [Photo: Inter-American Division]
“We come together in solidarity, during this time of unprecedented challenge, grief, loss and opportunity,” said Dr. Peter Landless, health ministries director for the Adventist world church. “We are here to agonize, trust God and share with one another. We are all in the same storm in different boats, struggling with this issues, but each one of you are representing the right hand of God’s message to a broken world.”
It’s not only about the health message but a health mission to extend the healing message of Jesus, said Landless. “Thank you for your dedication, your work, your commitment and service. Your church is with you.”
Hospital administrators were reminded of how to deal with stress and approach pressing challenges, their special calling, and reliance on God through the pandemic.
Prayer sessions included specific requests for protection among health professionals, their families, and wisdom to make the right decisions focused on the mission of serving with love and compassion.
Dr. Cristina Carpintero, general director of the La Carlota Adventist Hospital in Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, prays during one of several prayer sessions during the zoom video conference May 31. [Photo: Inter-American Division]
This meeting was not about bringing up complaints and current or prior concerns to the pandemic throughout our hospital institutions, stressed Dr. Elie S. Honore, president of Adventist Health Services – Inter-America. “Yes we were facing difficulties in our hospitals before the pandemic hit, but thanks to our financial partners, hospitals are still running and providing medical services to the community,” he said.
Hospitals are running with less staff, less compensation, and more challenges, he said, but “we must keep together in this effort by praying for each other every day at midday,” said Honore.
Honore explained that soon after the pandemic restrictions went into effect in countries across Inter-America, hospital administrators had to quickly adjust to facing three priorities: cutting salaries, obtaining personal protective equipment like face shields, masks, gloves, and procuring supplies for the hospitals.
“All of our hospitals were forced to reduce their staff, cut down their elective surgical cases, and cut the pay to the rest of the working staff to up to 50 percent compensation,” said Honore. Some hospitals like Vista del Jardín Adventist Hospital in the Dominican Republic have been able to take in Covid-19 patients as well as Bella Vista Hospital in Puerto Rico. Many administrators have been forced to cut down on the ratio of nurse to patients from one nurse to five patients to 10 patients to one nurse, explained Honore. In addition, medical professionals have been exposed and affected by the coronavirus. Thankfully, there have been no reports of deaths among physicians and staff.
Dr. Elie S. Honore, president of the Adventist Health Service Inter-America speaks earlier this year at the Haiti Adventist Hospital in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. [Photo: Libna Stevens/IAD file photo]
Because these lack the proper equipment to treat Covid-19 patients, some of the 14 Adventist hospitals have been able to take in patients with regular medical needs from other public hospitals, freeing up space for Covid-19 patients in the public hospitals, said Honore.
In Honduras, for example, Valle de Angeles Adventist Hospital did have one positive case of the coronavirus come in but had to be moved to another hospital because the main service they offer is for long-term care patients. The medical staff has been taking all kinds of precautions as they care for the elderly residents across their nursing home wing, according to Honore.
The same challenges have been experienced at the Adventist Hospital in Haiti, where elective surgeries were postponed, non-essential services like physical therapy had to close, and operations were reduced by more than 25 percent. “The hospital usually sees approximately 200 patients in their outpatient clinics per day, now it’s been less than 100, sometimes 60, or 40 patients because of distancing measures and reduced staff to provide care,” said Honore.
Valle de Angeles Adventist Hospital in Honduras is one of 14 hospitals across Inter-America, who serves dozens of elderly residents in their nursing home wing on its campus. [Photo: Valle de Angeles Adventist Hospital website]
Yet amid the reduced operations, Dr. Honore sees clearly how God continues to sustain the hospitals. Thanks to AHS-Inter-America which is affiliated with Adventist Health International—an organization based in Loma Linda University, California, that strengthens and assists healthcare institutions which promote physical, mental, social, and spiritual wholeness of mankind while fulfilling the mission of the church—medical staff have been compensated for their work during the past two months, explained Honore. Nine of the hospitals which are part of the AHI-IA system received help to compensate their working staff.
In addition, AdventHealth, based in Altamonte Springs, Florida, and its network of hospitals, and in coordination with ADRA International, are providing containers of personal protective equipment for four of their footprint institutions in Honduras, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica and Haiti.
“I keep reminding myself that no matter what, God is in charge,” said Honore, who spends many sleepless nights, and most of the day on the phone involved very closely with hospital management issues and decisions.
Vista del Jardín Adventist Hospital in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, has cared for coronavirus patients and has also seen pay cuts to its medical staff during the pandemic crisis. [Photo: Dominican Union]
Honore used to pray for God to make him wealthy, so he could take care of institutions. “But I didn’t’ realize how wealthy we are in in the amount of assistance from our partners. It tells me that God is looking after the hospitals and that quiets my soul a lot. Instead of fretting, I rejoice in those opportunities that help our institutions serve,” said Honore.
The biggest concern is not to have permanent dependency on donor institutions, explained Honore. “We want all our hospitals and clinics to be self-reliant.”
The pandemic situation has brought about opportunities for hospital administrators and board members to meet more online, pray more together and provide more training. Starting in mid June, board members and chairpersons will meet once a month as part of an ongoing continuing education for general training for hospital leaders as well, and more, Dr. Honore said.