Thousands of Seventh-day Adventist women throughout the Inter-American Division (IAD) territory took time to reaffirm their commitment of spreading the love of Christ in their churches and communities during a special program highlighting Women’s Ministries Emphasis Day, on June 13, 2020. The online program saw women ministries leaders from throughout the 24 unions or major church regions worshiping, testifying and sharing how God is leading in their lives to reach others.
“We are delighted to celebrate together as women of God during this very special occasion where we can share the work of Adventist women around the world,” said Dinorah Rivera, women’s ministries director for the church in Inter-America. “As Adventist women in Inter-America, you take in one hand the bible and with the other the Spirit of Prophecy, and with humility and surrender to God share that love of Christ that motivates and drives you to give all of you to reach others,” she added.
Rivera pointed to the great Adventist women across the church who have led the ministry since it was organized 25 years ago. “We praise God for the past 25 years and for the future years ahead before Jesus comes,” Rivera said.Pastor Elie Henry, president of the church in Inter-America, thanked the more than 1.5 million active women in women’s ministries for their constant and faithful commitment to the Gospel of Christ where they are.
“You are the heart of our church full of love and truth,” said Pastor Henry. “Besides being actively involved in all the activities of the church and community, you all manage to be a mother, a wife, and daughter that listens and reaches out with open arms and heart,” he said as he expressed his deepest gratitude for the work of women’s ministries. “Thank you for your distinguished leadership as you continue preaching, teaching and serving throughout Inter-America.”
Women’s Ministries Director for the Adventist World Church Heather Small was the keynote speaker during the worship service on how Christ’s amazing love should move every woman to touch the lives of others.“God has called us to share this love that compels us, controls us, urges and impels us to share with the world around us,” said Small. She encouraged women to seek a daily relationship with God to bring about a change in their life, to desire change, and to be of vital impact in their witnessing. “God needs women who will put Him first in their lives and that means before husband, children, family, and before our job. In everything God needs to be first.”
Small called on women to seek being led by the Holy Spirit to better reach and connect with those around them.
The online program featured past and present women leaders across Inter-America in praise and worship, taking part in drama performances, Sabbath school bible study, and renewing their commitment to finding ways to bring messages of hope to the lives of other women and children in their communities.To watch the online program in all three languages:
For English HERE
For Spanish HERE
For French HERE