August 11, 2020 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News

A group of Seventh-day Adventist communication leaders throughout the church in Inter-America met today to look at what the new quinquennium will bring in the months and years to come. The two-hour online meeting gathered nearly 100 union and conference communication directors, administrators, media staff and university students to preview upcoming strategies, initiatives and projects with the intent of solidifying collaborative efforts in carrying the mission of the church everywhere.

“As we reflect on what has been accomplished during the previous quinquennium period of 2015-2020, it’s time to put on the new strategic plan work clothes to be intentional as we face the challenge of preaching the gospel in this new virtual, digital world,” said Abel Marquez, communication director for the church in Inter-America. “There’s much for us to do in this digital world. We are like digital nomads with endless possibilities and opportunities before us.”

Márquez emphasized how much more effective collaboration and integration can be across the IAD as leaders embrace the new vision. It’s about keeping “doors open” so that information can flow back and forth without locks, barriers or boundaries, he said. “This is not about different levels in the church because we all do important work,” he said. “The only difference is that we have different territories to cater to. We must be more integrative and keep open doors in this work for the church.”

Inter-American Division Communication Director Abel Márquez presents an overview of the past quinquennium and the one started last month until 2025. [Photo: Inter-American Division]

Inter-American Division President Pastor Elie Henry encouraged communication leaders to look beyond just the message of hope they need to share. “When we look at all that is happening, our message needs to be sharper, and stronger, taking into account the time in which we are in and moving forward the message that Jesus is coming soon,” said Pastor Henry.

“Communicators, you are called to ‘sound the trumpet’ beyond COVID-19, in what’s to come and focus on that moment of His Coming,” added Pastor Henry. “We must continue to use our available technology to carry out the mission before us.”

Carrying out the mission as the new five-year period sets in motion in Inter-America is going to mean being more strategic than operative. “That will be the key as we integrate to become one church, with one identity, one image,” said Márquez. “Our greatest stamp is not that we promote the Inter-American Division but the Seventh-day Adventist Church.”

Moving in one direction, aligning with the Adventist World Church’s I Will Go mission initiative in the coming years, in addition to global church projects and programs, will help in keeping the doors unlocked and working together as one body.

Pastor Williams Costa, communication director for the Adventist world church, spoke to communication leaders on evangelistic campaigns online, Adventist News Network and its video programs, ongoing projects and the church’s visual identity updates.

Communication leaders were challenged to take their news reporting to the next level in sharing more news to inspire and connect to the church more and the community as the new quinquennium takes shape.

Brenda Cerón, communication director at Montemorelos University in Mexico, was glad to learn where the church is headed in the coming years. She brought in eight of her students in her corporate communication class as part of their first class of the school year. “This was a great introduction to our corporate communication class because I think that for them it’s a great opportunity to hear from the communication leaders of the world church and the division as they shared strategic plans and resources available to work with.”

Márquez informed communication leaders that finalized strategic plans, projects and specific resources would be available in the coming weeks.

To learn more about resources and initiatives in the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Inter-America, visit us at

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