August 19, 2020 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News

As the new evangelism paradigm is shaping up to have a massive impact across the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Inter-American Division (IAD), top church leaders took two days to discuss the comprehensive plan—one which will be paramount during the next five years at the start of 2021. The two-day evangelism council gathered more than 235 IAD leaders to focus on one aspect of the Adventist world church’s I Will Go strategic plan that seeks to engage all church members in reaching the world, inspiring and equipping them to use their God-given spiritual gifts in witness and service for Christ.

“This council comes as an opportunity to look at our priorities and address them with creativity and urgency,” said Pastor Elie Henry, president of the church in Inter-America. “We have a mission that cannot wait because time is short.”  Pastor Henry urged union presidents, local and regional ministerial leaders and evangelism coordinators across the IAD to join together in their efforts to improve outreach and better present the message God has given the church to complete.

Pastor Henry pointed to the life and mission of Jesus during His three years of ministry on earth, challenged the leadership to continue on being passionate about preaching the gospel as a priority, understand God’s plan to keep focused on the mission, and move forward with urgency with every possible medium and technology available to reach everyone.

Pastor Elie Henry, president of the church in Inter-America [File photo: Inter-American Division]

Urgency for evangelism

“Urgency is telling us that we have to plan for the unthinkable scenario, to think big. To think beyond what the pandemic crisis has brought on…beyond mental illness, economic challenges, political instability, and all these things that come and go, ” said Henry. “We must act fast so we can adjust together to fulfill the mission we have at hand.”

The I Will Go –IAD plan will focus on three major areas: evangelism, education, and community outreach. Inter-America’s adjusted I Will Go strategic plan is scheduled to be voted in by the IAD’s Executive Committee during its year-end meetings next November.

While the IAD strategic plan, which has been in the works for nearly two years, is finalized, it was important for top church leaders across the 24 unions, or major church regions, to preview it in order to set the tone of collaboration and integration among departments and ministries for greater effectiveness, said Pastor Balvin Braham, assistant to the IAD president for evangelism.

“Our main objective through these two-day meetings was to consider the relevance and process of collaboration in fulfilling the evangelistic mission of the church for the next five years,” said Braham.

Pastor Balvin Braham, assistant to the IAD president for evangelism, reviews sections of the I Will Go strategic plan focused on evangelism and its initiatives and projects, Aug. 17, 2020. [Image: Inter-American Division]

Reaching people of varying backgrounds

The evangelism plan will focus on reaching people of varying backgrounds, in cities and communities, whether upper, middle, or any social class, all ages, people of other faiths and unreached people groups across the IAD territory.  While the church has always carried the goal of reaching everyone, everywhere, the goal is to integrate more initiatives and activities within departments and ministries of the church, and collaborating more purposefully to be more effective in reaching people of all walks of life and all ages, said Braham.  “We want to identify and ensure we reach upper class individuals and other classes in society.”

There are four principal categories under the evangelism paradigm, said Braham. “Evangelism context which deals with demographic group of individuals to reach; executing soul-winning program to reach individuals; retention paradigm which is about making sure those who join the church remain and are equipped, and focus on the mission through numerous projects and activities.

The plan will not only seek new members but former members by reaching them with social initiatives, equipping—heightening their skills, talents, as well as rescuing by pointing to a saving relationship with Jesus, retaining and discipling them to be active in the mission of sharing the gospel with those around them, explained Braham.

Leaders went over various projects, initiatives and activities per department and ministries at the IAD level to be shared and adopted across the territory as in the weeks and months ahead.

Pastor Melchor Ferreyra, personal ministries director for the church in Inter-America, goes over Aula7 webpage where evangelism training and certifications are offered. [Image: Inter-American Division]

Evangelism resources

Leaders went over a new digital evangelism software platform under construction that will carry evangelism resources, programs, events, blogs and other features available to church members, leaders, visitors and anyone interested in connecting people to the church.  The software is being provided by Sortt Padd and will be completed by the end of the year, reported Braham.

Aula7, Inter-America’s training platform for laypersons, or active church members, offers certifications for evangelism in the three languages in the IAD territory.

Leaders also talked about expanding the Let’s Talk About Him initiative that seeks to engage visitors to watch featured videos about Jesus and invite visitors to enroll in a series of Bible studies.

In addition, church leaders have set up a way for local churches to be able to track evangelism projects and initiatives across the territory, especially those which fall under the I Will Go plan. The information which is available at Inter-America’s Ministerial Associations webpage will keep track of Key Performance Indicators in each activity and initiative of local church departments and ministries, as a way of evaluating evangelism efforts across the territory.

Church leaders prayed together for church members, pastoral families, evangelism plans and initiatives, and more.

Part of the 235 church leaders from Inter-America met on Zoom for two days during evangelism council, Aug. 17-18, 2020. [Image: Inter-American Division]

Agents of hope

Pastor Robert Costa, associate ministerial secretary for the Adventist world church, encouraged the IAD leadership to continue to work together on the mission.  “The task of evangelism is a supernatural act, it’s advancing in faith,” said Pastor Costa. “We have been given the great commission and that comes with a promise that you will receive power.”

Pastor Costa urged leaders and evangelists to capitalize on the time and use each opportunity available to present the message of salvation with a sense of urgency. “The presence of the Holy Spirit made the difference in the first century and will make the difference in the last century,” said Pastor Costa. “What’s more important is not that we have methods and equipment or technology but who has a hold of us,” he added.

“There’s a captive audience in their homes right now, with fear perhaps, ready for us to reach them with a message of hope. We must be agents of hope…it’s time to wake up from the slumber because Jesus’ coming is closer now,” Pastor Costa said.

The Inter-American Division will officially launch its final version of its comprehensive I Will Go strategic plan initiative for the next five years, early in November 2020.

To learn more about the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Inter-America and its initiatives and programs, visit us at

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