October 19, 2020 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News

Seventh-day Adventist health ministries’ leaders from across the Inter-American Division’s (IAD) major church regions met recently to go over comprehensive plans and initiatives intended to be carried out throughout the territory during the next five years.

“Our responsibility today is much greater than 15 years ago, for we know that the health message is the right hand of the gospel and a very close part of the Three Angels’ Messages of Revelation 14,” said Belkis Archbold, health ministries director for the church in Inter-America.

“We want to reach the highest level possible of a healthy lifestyle which includes mind, body and soul, provide awareness on the growing challenges of mental health and ensure children and young people practice healthy habits early on while they learn Christian values as well,” said Archbold as she unveiled objectives and activities to take place.

Belkis Archbold, health ministries director for the church in Inter-America, unveils plans and initiatives during advisory meetings with health directors across the territory during online Zoom metingon Oct. 15, 2020. [Photo: IAD screenshot]

Reaching every corner of Inter-America

More certification trainings across Inter-America under its banner program “I Want to Live Healthy” will continue across churches, teaching of the “I Want to Grow Healthy” program curriculum across church schools, as well as additional certification training in mental health led by Loma Linda University and the Adventist world church experts, she said.

“Our goal is to reach every corner of Inter-America with the health message,” she said. It’s been something that has been aggressively taking place across the territory and sprouting like never before in the last 10 years, she said, but more needs to be done.  “The plan includes continuing to serve the community, collaborating with government offices and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) to identify and address the health needs prevalent in our communities, sharing the mental health program included in the ‘I Want to Live’ Healthy initiative through health expos, health brigades, centers of influence, and more,” said Archbold.

It means activating each one of the more than 23,000 congregations as centers of influence across the IAD.

I Will Go plans

Initiatives and activities unveiled during the online advisory meeting on Oct. 15, 2020, by IAD’s health ministries are closely intertwined with other departments and ministries in collaborative efforts under the Adventist world church’s ‘I Will Go’ initiative for the current quinquennium.

Dr. Peter Landless, health ministries director for the Adventist world church speaks to leaders about carrying on the health message just as Jesus did with love and compassion with everyone He came in contact with while on earth. [Photo: IAD screenshot]

Inter-America’s version of “I Will Go” will focus on the three major strategic issues focused on evangelism, education and service, explained Archbold.

Dr. Peter Landless, health ministries director for the Adventist world church, reminded dozens of leaders how God revealed the health message to church pioneers more than 150 years ago and how important it is today because it demonstrates the love, the grace, the compassion of Jesus Christ so that people can be moved to know Jesus and love Him. “The health message was given to us because our work is still not done,” said Landless.

It’s about looking at “Jesus as our pattern man…as a great example who modeled wholeness of mind, body, relational…in all aspects he modeled wholeness” said Landless.  “Jesus cared about the details of life when he came to earth because He had compassion for everyone, so must we as leaders and members.”

Collaboration among pastors, administrators, and members

For health ministries to have the impact that it was intended for, there has to be collaboration, equipping and continue the process of helping people to be well trained to serve as Jesus served, said Landless. It’s why there has to be committed efforts together with the church’s “I Will Go” global initiative, with pastors, administrators, members, working together in support of the church’s mission.

Dr. Zeno Charles, associate health ministries director for the Adventist world church encourages health leaders to keep-up-to-date with vetted information to effect change in churches and communities. [Photo: IAD screenshot]

Dr. Landless urged health ministries leaders to take care of their health, not only during the pandemic, but all the time because the more perfect their heath the more perfect or effective their labor would be.

Being prepared to face the changes and issues that bring a pandemic or any other challenges that will be presented at a global setting is something that leaders must be prepared to face, said Dr. Zeno Charles, associate health ministries director of the Adventist world church.  “We must pray like never before and ask God’s Holy Spirit to guide us so that we will be able to do what He has asked us so we can be a people of love and compassion, but also a people of grace,” said Charles.

Every church a community resource

It’s a time to not stand still but to take advantage of opportunities to get involved and do something for the needs around your communities, he said. “Keep up to date with information out there and get reliable vetted information, and strive to inform the public, educate, as we play a major part in reaching others with the medical missionary work.”

Every church should be a community resource, or a center of influence, he said.

Dr. Katia Reinert, associate health ministries director for the Adventist world church, shares resources available for young people to face the challenges of risky behaviors they are exposed to.  [Photo: IAD screenshot]

A church with a strong program to address the needs of the community such as those battling with addictions, said Dr. Katia Reinert, associate health ministries director for the Adventist world church. “We can be channels where God can extend healing through health ministries,” said Reinert.

“What are the broad needs, global needs, local needs that I can make a difference, trying ways that we can meet those needs?” she asked. There’s a lot the church can do for those who are struggling with all kinds of addictions, she said. It’s not only about alcohol abuse, pornography, drug abuse, but there are persons with compulsive behaviors or dependencies too.

Restoring people in their need

One way to start by learning more about the issues of addiction as health directors, ensure that churches have an environment that is more embracing, and have accessible resources to assist those struggling with all sorts of addictions.

“We need to be part of God’s plan of restoring people, of nurturing the leadership potential of young people as they face risky behaviors,” said Reinert.

Dr. Torben Bergland, associate health ministries director speaks on increase of stress and anxiety the pandemic has brought this year. [Photo: IAD screenshot]

When it comes to restoring people, the church has an amazing infrastructure to serve those who are dealing with mental illness, said Dr. Torben Bergland, associate health ministries director for the Adventist world church.

“It’s in church that we can help so many in our communities,” said Dr. Bergland. With the increase of those who suffer mental illness now to more than one billion people globally, it’s necessary for people to get support, care and treatment, and we can help so many in our communities.”

The six-hour advisory meeting also included a seminar on stress management for families, a Q&A session, health ministries impact reports from throughout the IAD territory, prayer sessions, and more.

Inter-American Division President Pastor Elie Henry encouraged health ministries directors to continue trusting in God at such a critical time. “We have to turn to the Lord, let God lead to fight for our families, our children, our grandchildren and friends and find a way to help people in the community with the hope we have in Jesus and the wonderful health message available to us,” Pastor Henry said.

Part of the group health ministries directors from across the Inter-American Division during the advisory meetings to go over plans and initiatives to take place for the next five years.[Photo: IAD Screenshot]

Health ministries director committed to continuing to spread the health message through the various initiatives, plans and activities set out for the coming months and years.

To find out more health ministries resources available for your church or territory, contact your union office, division, and/or click HERE

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