October 16, 2020 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News
Seventh-day Adventist leaders in the Inter-American Division want to encourage all of their church members in thousands of congregations to celebrate the Creator of the universe during a special worship service on Oct. 24, 2020. Designated as “Creation Sabbath” across the Adventist world church every fourth Sabbath in October, the day is a special time to reflect on the works of creation and the plan of salvation as outlined in the Holy Scriptures, organizers said.
The two-hour online worship service will feature presentations and messages by experts of the church’s Geoscience Research Institute (GRI), as well as videos, music, and important resources and activities for churches to engage their members and their communities throughout the special day and the months to follow.
Although the special day has been celebrated across local churches in the IAD territory since it was established 15 years ago, this year will mark the first time that it is being promoted with a special worship service from the IAD Headquarters, said Pastor Marcos Terreros, academic vice president of the Inter-American Theological Seminary and IAD representative in the Geoscience Research Institute Board.
[Image: Unsplash/Inter-American Division]
It’s about motivating church leaders and members to celebrate and focus on God’s power and grace as Creator and Redeemer and share the truths that the Bible teaches from cover to cover to everyone in their communities, said Terreros.
Inter-American Division President Pastor Elie Henry recently reminded top church administrators throughout the 24 major church regions in the territory to ensure the “Creation Sabbath” was celebrated throughout the more than 23,000 churches and congregations in their territory. “We want to make sure to focus on creation in our churches this year,” said Pastor Henry. “This is a very important and strong part of the Three Angels’ Message and close attention must be made to ensure that every congregation in the territory can have capabilities to view the online program and/or focus on the importance of creation during the special day.”
Inter-America’s “Creation Sabbath” special online program on Oct. 24, 2020, will be held in English, Spanish and French, at 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Miami Time, at webcast.interamerica.org
To find resources on Creation Sabbath, visit grisda.org