November 12, 2020 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News
Top Seventh-day Adventist leaders from across the Inter-American Division (IAD) unanimously voted to carry-out the church’s I Will Go strategic plan throughout the territory for the next five years, as the Year-End Executive Committee meetings concluded on Nov. 11, 2020. The final seal of approval of the new comprehensive mission plan represents the culmination of dozens of brainstorming and planning sessions with top level leaders throughout the territory over the course of nearly two years.
“We worked in groups and individually, listened to the Lord, consulted the scripture and the Spirit of Prophecy and the Holy Spirit,” said Pastor Elie Henry, president of the church in Inter-America. “This is not simply a theme or a slogan, it is the fulcrum from which to fulfill the mission of the Lord in the division during this quinquennium.”
Reaching everywhere
It’s about following the mandate given to the church by God to reach every country, city, town, local community, home and heart in the territory of the Inter-American Division, added Pastor Henry. “God drives the mission and He is on a mission to Redeem. This strategic plan is the guide to total leader, employee and member involvement in the mission.”
Inter-American Division President Pastor Elie Henry speaks to committee members on carrying out the ‘I Will Go’ mission initiative across every city and corner in the territory, during the third day of business meetings on Nov. 11, 2020. [Photo: IAD screenshot]
Church leaders spent time reviewing action plans and initiatives as well as key performance indicators for the community service strategic focus, before casting their final vote of approval. The community service objectives involve connecting with people, addressing their mental, social, emotional and spiritual needs for further mission impact, community development, socio-economic impact, as well as physical growth and development.
Various items voted
Based on the 249 new action plans of the I Will Go Inter-America mission plan, committee leaders voted preliminary baptismal projections or goals to reach at least 911,000 new members and former members in the for the 2020-2025 quinquennium.
“Hope for Troubled Times” by Mark Finley is the missionary book for 2021, and one that is expected to be distributed to 5 million people in Inter-America next year. [Photo: IADPA]
Votes also included to adopt the document which was voted by the Adventist world church’s executive committee last month “One Humanity: A Human Relations Statement Addressing Racism, Casteism, Tribalism and Ethnocentrism,” as well as reaffirmation with a statement of confidence in the writings of Ellen G. White—a co-founder of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
In addition, leaders voted to amend the operating policy of 13 unions, calendar of special days and events for 2021, authorized meetings for 2021, as well as for each union to appoint a news coordinator to consistently share news stories, among others.
Church leaders pray for the hundreds of victims of Hurricane Eta and those affected by the Covid-19 pandemic across the territory, during last day of online church business meetings, Nov. 11, 2020. [Photo: IAD Screenshot]
Travel and lodging details on the upcoming General Conference session of May 20-25, in Indianapolis, Indiana, United States, were discussed, as well as guidelines for union sessions, among others.
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