Ruben Gustavo Maltez of the El Salvador Conference was declared winner of Inter-America’s Bible Connection competition this year during the final competition held online today, Nov. 14, 2020. Pastor Al Powell (left), youth ministries director for the church in Inter-America congratulates him.  [Photo: IAD screenshot]

November 14, 2020 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News

Ruben Gustavo Maltez, age 18, of the El Salvador Union, became the top winner of Inter-America’s territory-wide 2020 Bible Connection competition held online today. The event became the 17th annual Inter-American Division (IAD) competition after hundreds of thousands of children and young people throughout the territory studied assigned bible books in an effort to enrich their spiritual life and promote a lifelong habit of studying the Scriptures.

Maltez with a score of 900 total points, beat 23 other regional finalists in the annual event. He answered 72 questions correct in a time of 15:14 minutes. He was prized with a four-year scholarship to the Antillean Adventist University in Puerto Rico.

Luisa Maria Briceño, age 27, of the South Colombia Union trailed behind with a score of 890 points and 18:36 minutes. She has been offered a tuitional scholarship to Montemorelos University, in Montemorelos, Mexico.

Emerson Agustin, age 18,  of the Haitian Union took the third spot with a total score of 890 points completed in a time of 22:37.

[Photo: Youth Ministries Department/IAD]

Twenty-four finalists from Inter-America’s 24 unions, or major church regions, were tested on their knowledge of the 42 chapters of the Book of Job as well as several corresponding chapters from Ellen G. White’s book “The Great Controversy.” Finalists answered 78 multiple choice questions of 5, 10, 15, and 20 points during the three-hour finale competition event.

The grand finale competition program included music, prayer, and spiritual messages, before finalists answered five rounds of questions.

To view Inter-America’s grand finale competition this year, go to



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