November 24, 2020 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News

Seventh-day Adventist women’s ministries leaders in Inter-America celebrated the culmination of a mission-driven year across the territory with a special online congress, on Nov. 20-21, 2020.  The event highlighted the thousands of women who are committed to sharing hope in their communities and who are ready to intensify their efforts as they engage in the church’s I Will Go mission initiative for the next five years.

“We are here to praise God together and speak of His wonderful blessings and power,” said Dinorah Rivera, women’s ministries director for the church Inter-America. “We are living in difficult times. There are so many persons without a home, have lost so much, their homes flooded to the roof because of the recent hurricanes.” Rivera reminded them that God promises to give each His power.  “As women, we are not just here to say we are ready to serve but ready to go where is needed the most,” she said.

Dinorah Rivera, women’s ministries of the church in Inter-America, encourages thousands of women leaders across the territory to press on ready to serve in mission wherever they live. She was speaking during the church’s women’s ministries online congress held Nov. 20-21, 2020. [Photo: IAD Screenshot]

Themed  I will go, God will give me His power, the online congress featured bible readings, music and drama performances, spiritual messages, testimonies, and more.

Adventist World Church President Pastor Ted N.C. Wilson, in his spiritual message on Sabbath, reminded women leaders that they have a tremendous potential for touching the lives of so many, including women, men, children, family members, the community, the church and the global community.

“Jesus has promised to be with you to support you and encourage you as you go,” said Pastor Wilson. “He asks you to be a mighty missionary for Him and be a voice of hope and encouragement in the community and be a stabilizing factor, a proactive person that helps others to see there is hope at the end of the day.”

Pastor Wilson thanked women’s ministries leaders for the many different evangelistic and community service projects that they lead and help in building up the church of God and for taking on the challenge to accomplish what is needed as they work in the worldwide I Will Go mission initiative. He also encouraged women leaders to be part of bringing people to the ministry of reconciliation.

Adventist World Church President Pastor Ted N.C. Wilson encourages women in Inter-America continue building up the church God accomplishing the mission. [Photo: IAD Screenshot]

“The one focal thing that you within women’s ministries and all of us within the Seventh-day Adventist Church ought to be focusing on is helping people around us hear the Three Angels Messages, that Jesus has provided the everlasting gospel, that He is the Creator and that we Are to give honor and glory and to fear Him—that is to respect and love Him,” said Pastor Wilson.

Women’s ministries is about helping put order into the physical, social, mental and spiritual lives of people, and follow in the footsteps of Jesus who helps people in every area of life, he added.

“God will be your strength, your support, and lead you into the right setting to say the right word at the right time to helping people understand that we are living at the end of time,” Pastor Wilson said.

The congress saw many women leaders honored for their role in community outreach through the Dorcas Society program throughout local churches, as well as accomplishments per union on the certification training program for women’s ministries leaders this year.

Raquel Arrais, associate women’s ministries director for the Adventist world church, challenges women to be available to God and make a difference. [Photo: IAD Screenshot]

Raquel Arrais, associate women’s ministries director for the Adventist world church, reminded women that there is a community of more than 12 million women around the world church that are united in the Lord. “Even with challenges, difficulties and sorrow, we are together in Christ,” she said.

Drawing from the women who served and followed Jesus during His ministry on earth, Arrais challenged them to be available to God to make a difference. “He is the one who fills your life so that you can go and help and refresh others,” she said. “Personal transformation is only possible through the work of the Holy Spirit who leads to mission. God can make a difference in your life by blessing you, equipping you, accompanying you, and changing your life from glory to glory.”

Women leaders were challenged to double their efforts in leading others to Christ.

“Today is the day to leave all behind,” said Rivera. “Commit to saying ‘I Will Go’ to Jesus feet, to search for wisdom, to pray in every corner of my home, share the message of peace and hope wherever I go.”

Inés Rodríguez of El Salvador was honored for her 40 years of working in the Dorcas Society serving others in her community. She and other women were honored for their service during the online congress. [Photo: IAD Screenshot]

To view the Inter-America’s online Women’s Ministries Congress of Nov. 20-21, 2020,

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