Members of the Vértice Adventist Church in Monterrey, México, pose with a resident of La Realidad Community in the outskirts of the city, after distributing school supplies to dozens of children and featuring a puppet show on values for them last year. The church has adopted a project that began early when the coronavirus pandemic started in late March where church members and friends donated funds, assembled food and school kits to assist the needy small La Realidad Community of some 400 residents.[Photo: Vértice Adventist Church]
Looking to connect with and minister to dozens of people in need in a small community on the outskirts of the city of Monterrey, Mexico, members of the Vértice Seventh-day Adventist Church began distributing food baskets and school supplies from the moment that pandemic lockdown began in April of 2020. Nearly a year later, church leaders and members continue to provide outreach activities that promote Christ-like values in children, strengthen families and pursue a better lifestyle.
Nestled between four main streets, the La Realidad Community, with nearly 400 inhabitants, was the target locality that drew young adult church members to get out of their church walls to help many in need.
A few homes at the La Realidad Community in the outskirts of Monterrey, Mexico, which was impacted by a group from the Vértice Adventist Church during the past nine months.[Photo: Vértice Adventist Church]
“One of the goals of the Vértice Church is to establish a friendship that can show the love of God toward children and the community at large,” said Coronel. “The congregation is passionate about having an integral worship experience and live to share the gospel of Christ in a practical way, getting out of their comfort zones to reach others, following the method of Jesus.”
The challenges that the pandemic brought to the members to commit to the project included lockdown restrictions and risks of contamination, said Coronel, but the point was to look beyond and be on the lookout for those in greater need. “The message that we must be prepared in difficult times to serve beyond the four walls and trust that God is present in these months and will provide the necessary resources to cover all the needs, was very clear,” she added. Members and their friends from outside the church collaborated with contributions, purchase of materials, assembly of the school kits and food packages.
Children are given personalized school supplies with positive messages at one of several school kit distribution sessions last year.[Photo: Vértice Adventist Church]
“This participation among the members of Vértice during this time of crisis has been such a great blessing for so many families and an example for other members to be part of since following the example of Jesus to extend a hand to help those in need brings a lot of satisfaction,” said Jorge Dzul, lead pastor of Vértice Adventist Church.
This participation among the members of Vértice during this time of crisis has been such a great blessing for so many families and an example for other members to be part of
A girl from La Realidad Community in Monterrey, Mexico, smiles during an interaction with a puppet as part of a special feature session led by the group of Vértice Adventist Church members recently. [Photo: Vértice Adventist Church]
Vértice Adventist Church has about 120 members between the ages of 20 and 45 and is operated by the Northeast Conference in Monterrey, Mexico.
To learn more about Vértice and its projects and initiatives, visit HERE