May 18, 2021 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News
For the second straight year, Seventh-day Adventist leaders, staff, and their families in the Inter-American Division found themselves gathered online for the church’s annual week of prayer emphasis, held May 10-15, 2021. More than 70 church employed staff took time to pray, worship and fellowship together following 12 months of a lingering world pandemic that has kept borders closed, travels to a bare minimum and work done from a distance.
Seventh-day Adventist leaders, staff and their families pose for a zoom photo during the Sabbath program which concluded the annual week of spiritual emphasis for the Inter-American Division office, held May 10-15, 2021. [Photo: IAD Screenshot]
United amid challenges
“This was a special week of prayer meant to keep us united amid so many trials, family challenges, and after so many friends have rested in the Lord during the pandemic,” said Pastor Josney Rodríguez, ministerial association secretary for the church in Inter-America in charge of the week’s program. Rodríguez said that like in years past, “it was crucial that we took this opportunity to be together to renew this encounter with the Lord in order to be strengthened spiritually doing the work of the Lord.”
Pastor Lowell Cooper, former vice president of the Adventist world church shares one of the spiritual messages as the keynote speaker during the week of spiritual emphasis last week. [Photo: IAD Screenshot]
“We must look at the importance of Jesus’ questions because He asked questions to make people think, to prompt new ways of seeing things,” said Pastor Cooper. His questions speak to us about a way of living, of being and of going, he said. “The impact of these questions is limited to the immediate circumstances of their occurrences, upon closer examining that they are timeless questions, they touch the very roots of private and social life regardless of where a person lives in the stream of history.”
Exploring questions Jesus asked
The fundamental questions presented during the week were important not only as Christians but as leaders, said Rodríguez. “As we reflected on these questions from the perspective of the Christian and the leader, it leads us to transmit a true and clear message to the church in Inter-America.”
Rachel Fortunato, a recent graduate of Montemorelos University, shares a testimony during the week of prayer emphasis. Her father works for Hope Channel Inter-America. [Photo: IAD Screenshot]
Personal reflections
For Juan Carlos Niño, information technology director in the IAD’s treasury department, the week of prayer was an oasis in the midst of a year that began with many activities, assignments and commitments. “The messages this week have led me to face certain basic but deep questions that to answer them I need to stop and evaluate where I am going in my Christian experience,” said Niño. Looking at the question posed by Jesus “What good will it be to gain the whole world?” reminded Niño where true priorities are in his life. “This motivated me to be thankful for all that God has done in my life,” he said. “It was important to see how we are all full of prejudices toward others and how prone we are to label persons even without noticing that we do that. This question Jesus asked ‘Do you see this woman’ invited me to see every person as God sees them.
Illustrations that inspired Keila Trejo, professional assistant of the IAD communication department, to create and to post on social media platforms, after she heard the spiritual messages of the week of prayer emphasis: “Look at others how Jesus sees you,” (left), and “Jesus at the center” (right) [Images: Keila Trejo/IAD]
For Jose Romero, infrastructure and cyber security director, the week of prayer was a blessing and tugged at his heart. “Pastor Cooper’s approach of posing a question and addressing it thoroughly from many different angles has really revived what is important in my daily life through the words shared,” said Romero. “It reminded me that God will be to me everything that I will let Him be, giving up what I want so that God can be glorified and His mission fulfilled.”
Eight-grader Alexa Longa, whose parents work at the Inter-American Division Office, prays during the vespers program on May 14, 2021. [Photo: Screenshot]
The Inter-American Division oversees the work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 24 major church regions in Mexico, Central America, The Caribbean, The French Antilles, Colombia and Venezuela.
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