July 30, 2021 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Inter-America will hold a special online Stewardship Congress to reach members across the thousands of churches and congregations in the 24-union territory on Aug. 14, 2021. The event is intended to provide spiritual encouragement and will focus on bible principles during a time where many are facing economic and physical stress, organizers said.

“Many of our church members are going through difficult times through the global crisis of the pandemic, so we believe this is the right time to encourage them spiritually with God’s promises of protection, and blessings,” said Pastor Roberto Herrera, stewardship ministries director for the church in Inter-America and main organizer of the congress. “There’s so many who have lost their jobs, are struggling with the loss of their loved ones and many of them may feel like distancing themselves from God and the church, while others during moments of crisis cling to God.”


The congress will help leaders and members see God’s blessings amid their struggles while focusing on the promises detailed in the Scriptures and the mission still in need to be fulfilled in their community. It’s all about reaffirming the faith of each member in the plan God has for each one of his children, added Herrera.

Themed “God Will Provide”, the two-hour online program will highlight God’s plan through offerings and the tithing system.

“The Inter-American Division is convinced that Christian stewardship and the spirituality of the church is vital in fulfilling the mission year-round,” said Herrera. While all 24 unions, or church regions, throughout the Division have had an on-going stewardship program during the 12 months of the year, a division-level congress will help support the life and missionary growth of the church, he said.

Unions in the territory are already planning to tune into the online congress intertwined with their local conferences and missions Christian stewardship activities throughout the IAD, Herrera said.

The congress will be held in English, Spanish and French. Special guest keynote speakers will be featured, including Paul Douglas and Benjamin Maxson from the Adventist World Church, evangelists Alejandro Bullón and Pierre Laguerre as well as Division administrators and leaders.

To view Inter-America’s Stewardship Congress on Aug. 14, 2021, at 3:30 p.m. (Miami Time), visit webcast.interamerica.org

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