August 19, 2021 | Villa Sonador, Monseñor, Dominican Republic | Emmanuel Alberty and Inter-American Division News

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Dominican Republic appointed José David Gómez as the new president of its higher education institution in Villa Sonador, Monseñor Nouel.  Dr. Gómez was welcomed by board of trustee members, educators, and students during a special installation program held during Commencement ceremony, on July 29, 2021.

Former presidents of the Dominican Adventist University put their hands on Dr. José David Gómez, the new president of the university during a special installation ceremony held on campus in Villa Sonador, Monseñor, in the Dominican Republic, on July 29, 2021. [Photo: Randol Cuello/Dominican Adventist University]

Dr. Gómez, a native of the Dominican Republic, accepted the new appointment as president of Dominican Adventist University (UNAD). He had been serving as the institution’s vice president in charge of campus planning and development. Previously he served as executive vice president of the UNAD’s Santo Domingo campus extension. Gómez replaces Angel Gúzman, who was elected in April 2021, as vice president of academic affairs for the Inter-American Adventist Theological Seminary (IATS) based in Puerto Rico.

Pastor Paulino Puello, president of the church in the Dominican Republic and chairman of the board of trustees, informed those in attendance of the selection process and the vote to appoint Gómez as president. “We pray that together with God’s help and your team you can serve and benefit the community and the country well,” said Puello.

During his 36 years of denominational service, Dr. Gómez has also served in Puerto Rico as vice president of campus planning and development at Antillean Adventist University, chaplain, school principal, district pastor, bible teacher, bible worker, and literature evangelist.

Dr. José David Gómez (3rd from left) new president of the Dominican Adventist University, stands next to former university presidents: (L-R) Dr. Feliberto Martínez, Luis Sánchez, and Dr. Angel Guzmán (right) during the installation ceremony. [Photo: Randol Cuello/Dominican Adventist University]

Dr. Gómez has two doctorate degrees in education from the Universidad de Puerto Rico, one with emphasis in guidance and counseling, and another in educational administration and supervision. He also obtained a doctoral program in religious education from Andrews University and a master’s in education from the Universidad de Puerto Rico. Gómez obtained a bachelor’s in pastoral theology and secondary education from then Antillean College, now Antillean Adventist University, in Mayaguez.

Winston Hiciano, treasurer for the church in the Dominican Republic and board of trustee member, called on Dr. Gómez to ensure that the Adventist university continue to be a model in the community which follows the teachings of Jesus Christ in fulfilling “the mission at hand to form excellent, innovative professionals with Christian values, firmed with the Adventist philosophy ready to serve God, country and the world,” Hiciano said.

Former university presidents prayed over Dr. Gómez during the official installation of his new responsibility leading UNAD.

Winston Hiciano (left), treasurer for the church in the Dominican Republic and board of trustee member speaks to Dr. José Gómez, new president of the Dominican Adventist University, on his responsibility to continue fulfilling the mission of preparing well-rounded Adventist professionals to serve God, country and the world.  [Photo: Randol Cuello/Dominican Adventist University]

Established in 1946 as Colegio Adventista Dominicano, and later upgraded to Dominican Adventist University, the institution offers 10 undergraduate degrees and five postgraduate degrees. The university is accredited by the Adventist Accreditation Agency and the national government in the Dominican Republic.

To learn more about the Dominican Adventist University and its degree programs, projects, and activities, visit

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