Chaplain Atho Costumé of Haiti (center) speaks to persons in the community on their experience through the recent earthquake which hit the southern peninsula in Haiti on Aug. 14, 2021. A group of chaplains from Martinique, Guadeloupe, French Guiana and Haiti travelled to Les Cayes, in Haiti, under the direction of Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries Instructor Dr. Asnel Valcin, director of Pastoral Care & Education at Saint John Episcopal Hospital in New York, United States, to minister to more than 400 people, Sep. 9-12, 2021. [Photo: French Antilles Guiana Union]
A group of Adventist Chaplains from the Inter-American Division’s French territory were on a mission to minister to as many victims of the recent earthquake that devastated the southern peninsula in Haiti. The chaplains were able to offer emotional and psycho-social support to more than 400 people from Sep. 9-17, 2021.
Asnel Valcin, Psy. D., BCCC, director of Pastoral Care & Education at St. Johns Episcopal Hospital in Rockaway, New York, United States, and instructor for Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries (ACM) of the Adventist World Church, invited a handful of Adventist chaplains from the French Antilles Guiana region and from Haiti. The chaplains had been receiving training on clinical and pastoral education since April and it was fitting to be able to have an opportunity to provide much needed assistance, said Dr. Valcin.
Dr. Asnel Valcin (right), director of Pastoral Care & Education at Saint Johnson Episcopal Hospital in New York, United States, and organizer of the mission initiative and Chaplain André Honoré from Martinique, offer emotional support to a woman affected by the recent earthquake of Aug. 14, at a local hospital in Les Cayes, Haiti, Sep 9-17, 2021.[Photo: French Antilles Guiana Union]
“We prayed about this mission trip and God opened the doors for us to fly to the commune of Les Cayes from Port-au-Prince thanks to donations from friends and colleagues, members of the Adventist Church in Brooklyn, as well as the help of several local church and government leaders, who believed in our mission to Haiti,” said Dr. Valcin.
Eight chaplains from Guadeloupe, Martinique, and French Guiana, flew to Haiti to pair up with eight chaplains from the Haitian Union.
What they experienced was more than they expected, said Dr. Valcin.
“The first night we met with local pastors and leaders in Les Cayes to explain the purpose of the visit. One local pastor had just returned from leading his eighth funeral and was anxious for his congregation which had been experiencing so much physical and emotional devastation,” said Valcin. They began talking to several members who approached them and who were so grateful to share their story of survival, and to know that someone cared for their emotional wellbeing, he explained.
Chaplain Naomie Daube, chaplain and professor of biblical values at the school in Boissard in Guadeloupe, talks to an injured young man living in a tent in Les Cayes, South Haiti. [Photo: Courtesy of French Antilles Guiana Union]
Their journey throughout the town found so many people who were eager to share their story. “People expressed feeling liberated after sharing their stories,” said Dr. Valcin.
For Pastor Esaïe Auguste, chaplain ministries director for the church in the French Antilles Guiana Union, the experience was like no other during his seven years in chaplain certifications.
“We felt overwhelmed by the scene of misery in which the people were living in and the hopelessness and resignation many of the people were facing,” said Auguste. He vividly remembered a young lady who had planned to go to university to pursue medical studies. “She had lost her mom in the earthquake after the house buried her,” he said. Now she has to care for her three younger brothers and said that her dreams had been shattered in less than one minute. “She told us that for the first time since the Aug. 14 earthquake, she felt heard and could express her emotions,” said Auguste.
Chaplain André Honoré (right) from Martinique speaks to a woman in her home during a ministering visit in the aftermath of the earthquake. Chaplain Richner Fleury (center) of the Haitian Union listens in. Each chaplain from the French Antilles Guiana Union teamed up with chaplain from the Haitian Union to minister to each person they were assigned in Les Cayes, Haiti. [Photo: French Antilles Guiana Union]
Talking about trauma
“We saw so many who were willing to talk about trauma,” said Dr. Valcin. “People have had serious emotional challenges that have been repressed from many years ago and when they saw this open door to share, they poured out their heart to us.”
One pastor pleaded to get to his congregation, said Dr. Valcin. When the group of chaplains arrived, there were more than 250 people waiting the next morning.
Chaplain Esaïe Auguste (left), chaplain ministries director for the church in the French Antilles Guiana Union, listens to a woman who was affected by the earthquake of Aug. 14 while at home. A group of chaplains from Martinique, Guadeloupe, French Guiana and Haiti travelled to Les Cayes, in Haiti, under the direction of Dr. Asnel Valcin, director of Pastoral Care & Education at Saint John Episcopal Hospital in New York, United States, to minister to more than 400 people, Sep. 9-12, 2021. [Photo: French Antilles Guiana Union]
The chaplains also visited a local hospital where they spoke to medical staff and health professionals. One particular nurse was fatigued from working so hard in caring for patients. “She was surprised at our visit and was so thankful to be heard,” said Dr. Valcin. “She soaked up every moment we were with her and was thankful for the time we took to listen to her and help her express her experience,” he added.
Ministering to members and the community
The team of chaplains took time to preach in several Adventist congregations on Sabbath, Sep. 11. Members were given the opportunity to share their story. “We were worshiping in the church building, which had been completely destroyed by the earthquake, and after preaching to a small group, I individually counseled most of the members there,” said Auguste. “They were able to recall their story and put into words their suppressed emotions.”
Chaplains Fleurimé Philippe (left) from Haiti and Chaplain Esaïe Auguste (right) of the French Antilles Guiana Union headquartered in Martinique, listen in on a patient at the local hospital in Les Cayes, Haiti. [Photo: French Antilles Guiana Union]
In addition to providing emotional support, Dr. Valcin along with local church leadership, were able to distribute 110 tents and 110 air mattresses to those still living out in the open air.
The intervention took a lot of coordination and funds, but was a really great opportunity to make an impact on hundreds of people in dire need of attention, said Dr. Valcin. It was an opportunity that could not be passed up.
Dr. Asnel Valcin (left), director of Pastoral Care & Education at Saint Johnson Episcopal Hospital in New York, United States, and Esaïe Auguste (right) of the French Antilles Guiana Union stand with recipients of tents and air mattresses in Les Cayes, Haiti, last month. Dr. Valcin brought 110 tents and mattresses to distribute among the most needy in the community thanks to donations collected for the chaplaincy ministries initiative. [Photo: Courtesy of Haitian Union]
“When God calls you, God makes preparation for the mission,” said Dr. Valcin. “Regardless of where we are in the world, we have our humanity as the one thing in common,” he said. There are many faces he cannot stop seeing, stories he cannot release from his mind. “This mission trip helped us understand how God truly used us in our humanity to connect with other people,” Dr. Valcin added. “I am humbled by this opportunity to serve.”
The intervention in Les Cayes was only scratching the surface, but one that will bring about more awareness in the needs of the people in the aftermath of any disaster, said Pastor Pierre Caporal, president of the church in Haiti.
“This intervention by Dr. Valcin and the group of chaplains from the French Antilles Guiana Union will for sure make an indelible impact, not only on our church members and persons in the community in Les Cayes who were helped, but also on our own chaplains who took part in this important ministry,” Caporal said.
Part of the group of chaplains from the French Antilles Guiana Union and the Haitian Union that ministered in Les Cayes, Haiti, Sep. 9-19, 2021. [Photo: French Antilles Guiana Union]