November 11, 2021 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Inter-American Division will be holding a Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Virtual Symposium on Nov. 19-20, 2021, entitled “Freedom of Conscience and the Vaccine Mandate.”

The program is intended to clarify for both church leaders and members the church’s position on matters related to the COVID-19 vaccine, said Pastor James Daniel, PARL director and main organizer of the symposium.

“We have received a number of requests from leaders at union, conference and local fields that believe the higher organization is in the best position to address issues on vaccinations, and provide guidance to the matter,” said Daniel.

[Image: IAD]

Seminar presenters will include Adventist world church’s health ministries experts, public affairs and religious liberty experts, and Loma Linda University experts. Topics include:

  • Covid-19 vaccines and the immune system
  • Science and Adventist health ministries
  • The mark of the beast and the seal of God
  • Legal issues in conscience and vaccine mandates
  • Understanding freedom of conscience

There will be Q&A sessions after each set of presentations. The program will be presented in English and translated into Spanish and French.

To watch Inter-America’s PARL Virtual Symposium Friday, Nov. 19, starting at 6:00 p.m Miami Time, Saturday Nov. 20, at 9:45 a.m. to 12:00 noon, and 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Miami Time, go to

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