February 3, 2022 | Santa Marta, Magdalena, Colombia | Daniela Arrieta, Gabriel Moreno and Inter-American Division News

Hundreds of Seventh-day Adventist students enrolled at public university campuses throughout North Colombia, met during a recent three-day Public Campus Ministries (PCM) Congress in Santa Marta, Magdalena, Colombia. Due to the pandemic, students had not been able to meet since the last PCM Congress in 2018.

During this year’s Congress, held at La Floresta Campground, the more than 400 students and young professionals were instructed, trained, motivated and equipped through seminars, presentations, worship and prayer sessions.

A group of university students light up candles during the consecration ceremony of the Public Campus Ministries Congress held at the Floresta Adventist Camp in Santa Marta, Magdalena, North Colombia, on Nov. 12, 2021. More than 400 students gathered into groups to pray and commit to shinning the light of the gospel as ambassadors in their campuses, during the three-day event. [Photo: North Colombia Union]

“I’m so grateful to God for how this PCM ministry continues to be blessed with so many young people who are highly committed to God and His church,” said Pastor Mauricio Buitrago, public campus ministries director for the church in North Colombia.  The congress meant to provide tools through spiritual, psychological and academic activities to strengthen their faith and help them face many challenges, said Buitrago.

“It’s important that they build a closer relationship with Christ, keep faithful in the midst of their environment so they can be instruments of God to help other young people and their professors know about God and His plan of salvation,” said Buitrago. Returning to their campuses with more assurance, confidence, and diligence as they share the gospel with others, was part of the plan for the congress, he added.

Adventist students who are members of the 18 PCM chapters at public university across North Colombia, had the opportunity to present reports and share testimonies of what God has done in their lives, as well as making strides in religious freedom of expression.

Pastor Hiram Ruiz, PCM director for the church in Inter-America, prays during a worship service after challenging university students to be the positive change on their campuses every day.[Photo: North Colombia Union]

Twenty-year-old Laura Pardo is studying law at Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, a Catholic university in Medellin. Pardo, who is in her fourth year of studies, said that many of her Adventist peers have had to deal with ideas and invitations to join faiths that are contrary to the Word of God.

Pardo said that she and three of her fellow Adventists suggested to the university administration that the university hold a women’s international day and special events during which free hugs and prayer could be offered to all students.

“To our surprise, they responded that that was exactly what the university needs,” said Pardo. They agreed that the Adventist and other students should work together during spiritual activities, she added.

Adventist university student leaders pose for a group photo with Division and union leaders during the event. [Photo: North Colombia Union]

“We learned that if God brings challenges our way, He will open the way and clear the barriers that we face so that we can fulfill His mission,” said Pardo.

Pastor Hiram Ruiz, public campus ministries director for the church in Inter-America, encouraged young university students to continue being the generation that should be the change today.

“We are amid a society that needs to know who God is,” said Ruiz. He challenged them to write their story just like Daniel did and declare that God is in control. “God gives wisdom and He wants you to be the positive change in your university.”

A university student shares what his PCM chapter is doing and how God has used him on campus.  [Photo: North Colombia Union]

To learn more about the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North Colombia, its initiatives, and activities, visit unioncolombiana.org.co.

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