February 10, 2022 | Mandeville, Manchester, Jamaica | Shannette A. Smith/CCMPR and Inter-American Division News
It’s better to stop a person from bleeding to death at the scene of a traffic accident than to take photos and circulate them, Dr. Lincoln Edwards, president of Northern Caribbean University (NCU), noted during the launch of “Stop the Bleed”, a training initiative which took place recently on the NCU campus. Dozens of students, health professionals and community members were in attendance.
Stop the Bleed educates people with no medical training on how to perform basic bleeding control, or B-CON, in order to save the lives of victims of traffic accidents.
Dr. Lincoln Edwards, president of Northern Caribbean University, urges Jamaicans to stop taking photos at the scene of an accident and help save lives, as the Stop the Bleed training initiative began on Jan. 5, 2022, in Mandeville, Jamaica. [Photo: Garfield Forbes]
“We are joining forces with all those entities that are doing this [saving lives] so that corporately we can help to reduce fatalities,” said Edwards. It was important to include this life-saving initiative that can equip the larger community to make a difference when accidents happen, he added.
According to national statistics, over the last 48 years, road traffic accidents have claimed the lives of 17,118 people in Jamaica. Just recently, the head of Public Safety and Traffic Enforcement Branch of the Jamaica Constabulary Force appealed to motorists to follow road rules in order to reduce traffic crashes. In 2021, 483 Jamaicans died on the nation’s roads in 435 crashes. The number of crashes has increased by 12 percent when compared to 2020.
Dr. Luis Llanareas of Stop the Bleed training initiative demonstrates how to stop the bleeding of a traffic accident victim during a simulation session Jan. 5-6, 2022, at the Hyacinth Chen Nursing School on the campus of the Northern Caribbean University in Mandeville. [Photo: Garfield Forbes]
In addition to the training, attendees were also registered to participate in a series of webinars in trauma and simulation in nursing education. At the end of the training, all trainees received certification and would be able to function as B-CON trainers, organizers said.
Dr. Luis Llerena of Stop the Bleed said it was the first time the initiative was taught in Jamaica and said it was conceptualized by a Jamaican doctor, Lenworth Jacobs.
A student takes photos of the Stop the Bleed training session at the Hyacinth Chen Nursing School in Northern Caribbean University in Mandeville, Jamaica, Jan. 5-6, 2022. [Photo: Garfield Forbes]
The NCU School of Nursing took the initiative to bring the course to Jamaica since one of their current faculty members has been certified Stop the Bleed instructor. There are four registered Stop the Bleed B-CON instructors, said R. Shaun Wellington, Occupational Safety Health Office at NCU. The initiative will be taught to the community every week until the end of June, university leaders said.
To learn more about the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s Northern Caribbean University, its programs and initiatives, visit NCU.edu.jm