April 16, 2022 | Indianapolis, Indiana, United States | Marcos Paseggi, Adventist Review
Trust and Rita Paunganwa felt happy when it was confirmed that the 2022 Pathway to Health mega-clinic would come to the Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana, United States. Both of them call Indianapolis home and had wanted to volunteer in such an initiative for a long time.
“We live just a few minutes from the Lucas Oil Stadium,” Rita said. “We were so happy that we immediately volunteered to help where needed.” Trust, originally from Zimbabwe, works with people with disabilities. Rita serves at the Indiana Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. But the couple are just two of the approximately 2,400 volunteers who have registered to support the Pathway to Health initiative in Indianapolis.
Every volunteer will wear a color-coded Pathway to Health t-shirt. Colors identify different areas of service offered. [Photo: Marcos Paseggi, Adventist Review]
All Kinds of Volunteers
Volunteers include all kinds of professionals with various levels and areas of expertise, organizers said. Susana Facundo works as assistant director of medical outreach for Adventist World Radio (AWR).
“That is my paid job,” Facundo said. “But I am here as department head of volunteer registration.” Facundo hopes the experience she is gaining can help her as AWR coordinates a similar clinic in Cali, Colombia, in the second half of June. “It will be big,” she said.
Susana Facundo (center), Pathway to Health Volunteer Registration Department head, makes sure everything is working properly during the setting-up stage of the initiative at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis on April 14. [Photo: Marcos Paseggi, Adventist Review]
In a corner, a modified RV, which traveled all the way from California to the floor of the stadium, now hosts air compressors and vacuums that are key for the dentistry services to be offered a few feet away. Nearby, boxes with dental chairs, medical gloves, and other supplies wait for volunteers to distribute them among the makeshift offices. It seems hard work, but volunteers appear well coordinated and focused on the task at hand. And this year, they are committed to spending Easter weekend and beyond showing in practice that they are Christ’s followers.
Volunteers supporting check-in get ready to start. According to Pathway to Health leaders, around 2,400 volunteers have registered. [Photo: Marcos Paseggi, Adventist Review]
Setting up the mega-clinic and serving others is not the only thing that volunteers are planning to do. They will also be treated to a packed spiritual program before and during the official opening of the mega-clinic. It starts on Friday evening, April 15, with a service that will include worship, praise, interviews, and a special message by North American Division (NAD) vice president for media Maurice Valentine.
On Sabbath morning, volunteers will participate in a regular Sabbath School and then will participate in a worship service. Renowned evangelist Mark Finley will be the keynote speaker. The April 16 afternoon program will feature a panel with Adventist health-care professionals and church leaders from various levels of the church. Among others, it includes leaders from the General Conference, the NAD, and the Lake Union Conference, a church administrative region that includes Indiana and Lake Region. The evening program will be focused on the outreach work that AWR is carrying out in the Philippines and several other places.
The Pathway to Health mega-clinic involves an impressive number of logistical considerations. Hundreds of volunteers are involved in just getting the venue ready for its official opening on April 17. [Photo: Marcos Paseggi, Adventist Review]
About Pathway to Health
Pathway to Health is a humanitarian, non-profit organization that, according to its leaders, “is dedicated to sharing the blessings we have received by giving free medical, dental, vision, and surgical services to communities we visit.” Pathway to Health seeks to spread love inspired by the example of Christ. With the help and commitment of volunteers, donors, partners, and the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the organization has already shared the gift of physical, mental, and spiritual health with tens of thousands of people.
Previous mega-clinics have served the communities of Spokane, Washington; San Antonio, Texas; Phoenix, Arizona; Los Angeles, California; Fort Worth, Texas; and Beckley, West Virginia, the organization reported.
A modified RV hosts air compressors and vacuums that are key for the dentistry services to be offered at Pathway to Health. [Photo: Marcos Paseggi, Adventist Review]
“Just think,” Pathway to Health president and CEO Ivan Golubic said. “Think about thousands of volunteers coming together with one purpose: to show God’s love.”