May 17, 2022 | Mayagüez, Puerto Rico | Lorell Varela and Inter-American Division News

Myrna Colon, PhD, was recently appointed as the new president of Adventist-owned Antillean Adventist University (AAU), in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico. Dr. Colon had been serving as vice president of academic affairs at AAU since 2012, and took the top university position for a second time during her more than 32 years of denominational service in Adventist education.

Dr. Colon, was born and raised in New York City, New York, United States, but spent most of her denominational service in Puerto Rico. She is a graduate of the University of Puerto Rico and Andrews University in Michigan, United States, and has served as president and vice president of academic affairs of AAU previously, as dean of the School of Education, university professor, conference education director, school principal and secondary level school teacher.  She replaces Dr. Obed Jiménez who served as president of AAU for 11 years and ended his service as top official of the institution on Apr. 15, 2022.

Dr. Myrna Colon was appointed as president of the Antillean Adventist University in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, Apr. 16, 2022. [Photo: Antillean Adventist University]

In an official statement by Pastor Luis Rivera, president of the church in Puerto Rico and chair of the board of trustees, Jíménez was thanked for his commitment to Adventist education. “We publicly express our gratitude for his selfless service, dedication and passion for Christian education and at the same time wish him success in the new path he is undertaking,” stated Rivera.

Many have had the opportunity to work with Dr. Colon in her many academic roles, said Rivera.

She is not only admired for her professional accomplishments, but for her values and spiritual leadership, said Rivera. Dr. Colon also worked as a missionary in South America, Madagascar and Thailand. “We are sure that guided by God and with her commitment to the mission, Dr. Colon will lead with excellence in this new era for Antillean Adventist University for the blessing of our church and the university community,” Rivera said.

Dr. Colon, who began her new position as of Apr. 16, 2022, said: “What a great privilege to work for God in favor of Adventist higher education in Puerto Rico. I want to lead the institution toward an academic transformation that can focus on Christian values and missional service.”

Established in 1961, Antillean Adventist University is accredited by the Adventist Accrediting Association, Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools (MSACSS) and Commission of Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), offers dozens of undergraduate and graduate degrees on its campus in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico.

To learn more about undergraduate and graduate programs at Antillean Adventist University, visit

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