June 23, 2022 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News

Inter-American Division’s Segment Leadership Development (SeLD) Conference this year will gather hundreds of Seventh-day Adventist church administrators, pastors, educators, department heads, church elders and laypersons in Miami, Florida, United States, July 25-27, 2022. The annual event will be in hybrid format, with most registered delegates online and a fraction of the group attending in person, organizers said.

The annual conference will include some 250 in-person attendees during the event while some 1,800 will be connected online, said Pastor Balvin Braham, vice president of the IAD in charge of leadership development. “Unfortunately, we cannot have the entire group here because of safety protocols, but we are overjoyed that hundreds will benefit from the leadership training this year,” he said.

Themed Inclusive Leadership, the conference will “seek to motivate elected leaders to achieve greater effectiveness in executing their responsibilities, seek to influence leaders to continue emphasizing servant leadership principles of Christ for the fulfillment of the mission and encourage greater collaboration among leaders in fulfilling the strategic vision of the organization,” Braham said.

Expert and keynote presenters from the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and the Inter-American Division will speak during the three-day event. The event will include plenary sessions and seminar workshops on effective leadership, emotional intelligence in leadership, principle centered planning, team building, managing relationships, strategic mindset for growth, minimizing conflicts, and more.

There is still room to take part of the SeLD Conference event online, said Braham. Seventh-day Adventists from the IAD can register by contacting their respective union office in order to have access online. Registration for the conference will close on June 30.

To view this year’s SeLD Conference schedule in English, Spanish and French, go to seld.interamerica.org

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