Below is  a message addressed to the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Inter-America from President of the Inter-American Division, Elie Henry–IAD News Staff

June 29, 2022 | Miami, Florida, United States | By: Elie Henry, president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Inter-America


Hello Brothers and Sisters,

I am happy to greet you as we resume this series of video messages, to share with you a bit of the pulse of the Church in Inter-America.

During the last few weeks, together with colleagues in the administration and departments of the Division, I have had the privilege of participating in some events such as congresses, work sessions, training  and planning meetings in different countries. We were privileged to hear stories, testimonies and reports in the areas of education, evangelism, and service. We also participated in the great gospel caravan, where we witnessed how you have been involved in community impact activities, health expos, book distribution, prayer walks and visitations, among many others. We thank each of you for your involvement and prayers, and we praise God for His care and blessing for us.

And do you know? Today, like every last Sabbath of the month, hundreds of people in each of the 24 unions in Inter-America will give their lives to the Lord. I want to invite you to pray for each of these new members of our family of faith and ask God for His blessing for the activities of the month of August, which by the way will begin this coming week with the long-awaited Festival of the Laity to be held in Panama City.

Let us pray like the Apostle Paul, in Romans 15:5-6, “May the God of patience and consolation grant you the same mind, according to Christ Jesus, so that all together and with one voice …..glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Happy Sabbath!

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