A group of police officers being honored on June 19, 2022, attend a special Sabbath worship service at the Haitian Adventist School’s Church in Cap-Haitien, in northern Haiti. Dozens of police stations were cleaned up by over 500 Adventist young people the week before in honor of the 27th anniversary when the naiontla POlice of Haiti are celebrated with civil, social and state activities, on June 12, 2022. [Photo: North Haiti Mission]
Hundreds of young people in the northern part of Haiti recently visited 24 police stations to honor their service during the 27th anniversary when the National Police of Haiti are celebrated with civil, social, and state activities. The more than 500 young people belonging to 30 youth societies swept and cleaned police stations on June 12, 2022.
It was the first time that so many Adventists young people had engaged in such a vast coordinated cleanup drive, said Pastor Gerald Jean, youth ministries director for the North Haiti Mission territory and main organizer of the event. “By transforming police workspaces into clean, attractive places simply out of love, young people sent a powerful message about the difference the love of Christ can make in their lives,” he said.
Young people in Fort-Liberté, in northeast Haiti, transport some trash after cleaning a local police station.[Photo: North Haiti Mission]
Pastor Jacques M. Amboise, president of the North Mission, said the Adventist Church is now perceived as the number one friend of the police institution in the region. “These two expressions of Christian love have successfully connected the Adventist Church with the community at a level that has never been attained before,” said Amboise. “You just need to mention the word ‘Adventist’ to these policemen, and they pay attention to the rest of the conversation right away.”
Young people of the Bethel Adventist Church pose for a photo before cleaning up the Fort-Liberté Police Station in northeast Haiti. [Photo: North Haiti Mission]
The multi-city initiative brought church leaders to savor the enthusiastic participation of all of the young people. “This program and its outcome perfectly illustrated the power of evangelism through action,” said Jean. “We hope that these activities will not only make us more visible in the community but will also make it easier for us to evangelize through the Word.”
Several Adventist young people belonging to a Adventist Youth Society work together to clean up in front of a police station in the city of Milot, in northern Haiti, on June 12, 2022. [Photo: North Haiti Mission]